

SPECIES Base Hit Points Target Number Hands Move Armor Option ALIEN ABILITY
Chronosian 7 8 5 N Timehop: May choose on phase 1 to jump back in time from phase 6 to phase 1 as a free action in the future. Future self does not move or act on phase 1. You must spend the automatic action on phase 6 in the spot you jumped back from to jump back or you are annihilated. When you jump back, all damage and states (stun, ionization, etc.) from both selves converge into the remaining self. Each extra or missing piece of equipment causes a die of damage and is annihilated.

Chronosians appear as a cloud of spiraling lights with their color phase shifting red or blue based on how far they are off their proper time. They can make limited jumps backward within the timestream effectively doubling their presence at one point in time by jumping back from the future.

Alien Ability: Timehop

May choose on phase 1 to jump back in time from Phase 6 to Phase 1 as a free action in the future. Thus there are 2 of you acting on Phases 2-6. All equipment and states for the future self are identical to past self. Future self must appear on the same ship; if the ship is docked to another ship, station, etc., the limit is 10 modules away. Future self does not move or act on Phase one. You must spend the automatic action on Phase 6 or you are annihilated. When you jump back, all damage and states (stun, ionization, etc.) from both selves converge into the remaining self. Each extra or missing piece of equipment causes a die of damage and is annihilated. If you jump back from a square other than the spot you appeared in or have different gear, each square of distance from the spot and discrepancy in state causes a die of damage.

Homeworld: Chronos 6.8