Table of Contents


Core Rulebook

Pax Galacticum

Galactic Civil War

Pirates of Trundlia

How Much For Your Planet?

The Planet of Dr. Moreau

Deep Ones in Deep Space

Bot Wars

By Her Majesty's Sacred Egg Sac

  1. Barbarians at the gate
  2. Royal bug out
  3. Escape from the planet of the bugs
  4. Get the 20 on the HQ
  5. Starburst anomaly
  6. No girls aloud
  7. Special delivery for the senate of the universal republic
  8. Worse apple shakedown cruise
  9. Mind control gun
  10. Power leeches
  11. Search the digs


Galactic Civil War
Mission types of -
Economic, Military, Political, Scientific

Pax Galacticum
Mission types of -
Innovation, Exploration, Ecology, Diplomacy