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Keep track of all parts of your Battlestations campaign
Campaign Tracker
Spaceship Tracker
Character Tracker


Table of Contents



1d6 - Roll a single die and count the pips on top.

251 - Newly discovered planet in Sector 9, 259

2d6 - Roll 2 dice and total up the pips on top.

2d6-1 - Roll 2 dice. Total the pips on top and subtract 1 from the total.


A Stitch in a Haystack - Mission, 218

Accelerate - Helm maneuver, 128

Accessport - Tentac Fighter Upgrade, 125

Acciodorr - Newly discovered planet in sector 7, 256

Accurate - Vomeg Fighter Upgrade, 125

Accurate Hyperdrive - Treasure, 165

Acrobatic - Special Ability, 54

Action - Thing you do during your turn in addition to movement, 28

Action List - Summary of things you can do, 300

Action, Automatic - Action that requires no skill check, 30

Action, Free - Action that doesn’t use up your action for the turn, 30

Action, Move - Moving your character on the squares of the modules, 31

Acuna, Mario - Gracious Host, 246

Adaptable - Special Ability, 54

Additional Modifiers - Increasing the difficulty of a task by 3 to increase its effect, 28

Adjacent Corner Exception - You have line of sight on everything adjacent to your square, 39

Adkison, Peter - Revolutionized Gaming while remaining delightful, 213

Advanced Combat Expert - Special Ability, 54

Advancement - Spend Experience to increase skills and Prestige to Rank up, 10, 149

Aerodynamic - Human Fighter Upgrade, 125

Aggressive - Xeloxian Alien Ability, 22

Aggro - Combat Drug, 96

Agile - Enemy Morale Ability, 162

Alien Ability - Innate ability based on your creature type, 13

Alien Pill - Treasure, 170

AllEngineer - Enemy Morale Ability, 162

AlllMarine - Enemy Morale Ability, 162

AllPilot - Enemy Morale Ability, 162

Allpro - Enemy Morale Ability, 162

AllScience - Enemy Morale Ability, 162

Anchor Mine - Decelerates ship by 2 and causes 2 OOC, 135

Ancillary skills - Diplomacy, Psionics, Sanity, 36

Anti-Quark - Misssion specific phenomena, 195

Arc Laser - Ranged Area Effect Weapon, 82

Area Effect - Weapon damages all in an area rather than targeting an individual, 39, 74

Arming - Setting explosives to detonate, 90

Armor - Equipment that reduces incoming damage by 1 point, 92

Armored - Zoallan Fighter Upgrade, 125

Armored Module - Treasure, 166

Armory - Cargo Item, 112

Artifact - Mission, 226

Arya - Human senator’s daughter, 229

Assault Lab - Mission, 179

Assault Mine - Mission, 180

Assault Outpost - Mission, 180

Assault Planet - Mission, 181

Assembly Line Worker - Special Ability, 54

Assist - Spending your action to reduce another’s difficulty, 29

Assistant - Special Ability, 54

Asteroid - Rock that blocks line of sight, 254

Asteroid Armageddon - Mission, 234

Asteroid Field - Navigation Hazard, 155

Asteroid Investigation - Mission, 182

Astral Bodies - Stuff in space that can affect flying and shooting, 254

Athletics - Health, strength, quickness, 37

Athletics Skill Chip - Cyberware: Reduce Athletics skill check difficulties by 1, 98

Atmospherics - Cargo Item, 112

Attack with 2 weapons - Combat check with +6 difficulty, 41

Auto Lock - Fighter Upgrade, 125

Automated Weapons Testing Depot - Mission, 230

Automatic Action - Action that doesn’t require a skill check, 30

AutoNurse - Cyberware: Increase healing you do by +1 point/die, 99

Avianoid - Alien Species (Beastmen), 16

Aydyu - Kerbite moon, 228


Backlashing - Treasure Effect, 167

Bad Apple Shakedown Cruise - Mission, 184

Barrel - Used to carry materials in various missions and campaigns, 92

Base - Helmless ships, 282

Base Hit Points - Hit Points you get because of your Species, 13

Basic Cargo Bay Items - Items issued free by UREF, 81

Battery - Cargo Item, 112

Battery - Bot upgrade: Bot has built-in EVA, 25

Batting Grenades - Deflecting an explosive in your square, 90

Battle Frenzied - Special Ability, 54

Battlestation - Starred square you use to operate a ship’s module, 147

Bayonet clip - Attaches melee weapon to ranged weapon, 92

Behavior Overrides - Conditions affecting unmoderated Enemy actions, 249

Ben Wilkins -Castaway botanist founder of Benwilkia, 256

Benwilkia -Newly discovered planet in Sector 7, 256

Between a Rock and a Hard Place - Mission, 243

Bifurcation - Diploid Alien Ability, 18

Big Little Trouble - Mission, 210

Bio Barrels - Planetary opportunity at Benwilkia, 262

Biolab Science Bay - Treasure, 166

Bipod - Increases accuracy and range band when setup, 92

Bite - Beastman Alien Ability, 16

Bizzarreobject - Treasure, 171

Black Hole - Great sucking mass that destroys stuff, 254

Black Hole - Navigation Hazard, 155

Blanchett, Dan - Miracle Worker, 232

Blank Cargo Bay Items - Write in Cargo Items on these, 117

Blast Off - Helm maneuver to leave planet surface, 131

Blaze of Glory - Special Ability, 54

Bloodlusted - Treasure Effect, 167

Bloodlusted - Enemy Morale Ability, 162

Bloodlusted - Special Ability, 54

Blootian - Alien Species AKA Bubbloid, 17

Blue Pill - Treasure, 170

Board Fighter -Get into a Fighter as an automatic action, 122

Boarding Missile - Carries passengers, 139

Boarding Plank - Cargo Item, 112

Boarding Torpedo - Aka boarding missile, 136

Bob - Newly discovered planet in sector 8, 257

Bonus Escort - Mission specific Plot Twist, 201

Bonus Luck - Overwhelming Success Reward, 149

Bosun - Special Ability, 54

Bot - Alien Species, also, non- sentient crew, 24

Bot Genius - Special Ability, 55

Bot, Sentient - Hero or enemy character that uses standard damage and may have skills, 24

Botrel, Norson - Brazilian Wiz, 207

Brace - Action to reduce incoming damage, 29

Braced - Enemy Morale Ability, 162

Braced - Special Ability, 55

Break Module - Engineering check 11 to add broken marker (no hull damage), 42

Breaking Out - Stowaways climbing out of their hiding place., 43

Briefing - Mission synopsis, 178

Brig - Cargo Item, 112

Broken Marker - Indicates a module will not function. 2 broken markers slags it, 108

Brutal - Special Ability, 55

Brutal Foes - Enemy Morale Ability, 162

Bubbloid - Alien Species (Blootian), 17

Bubbly - Blootian Alien Ability, 17

Bugs, Asteroid - Mission specific enemies, 182

Bugs, Infestation - Mission specific enemies, 191

Built-in - Equipment bots have that don’t require a hand or carry capacity, 24

Burst - Mine or Missile causes survival check in hex, 135, 138

Bussard Ramjet Engine - Treasure, 165

Butt - Melee Weapon, 88


Calm - Special Ability, 55

Campaign Indicator - Measure of strategic objective progress, 176

Campaign Log - Track Campaign missions and progress, 177

Campaign Rules - Ongoing interlinked Battlestations missions, 176

Caninoids - Alien Species (Beastmen), 16

Cannon - Module for shooting at enemy targets in space, 103

Cannon Enhancement - Cargo Item, 112

Cannon Expert - Special Ability, 55

Cannon Hits - Damage dealt to a ship along a row or column, 106

Cannon Long - Combat vs ¬O distance +2x Speed to deliver ¬O Guns hit, 103

Cannon Multi - Cannon mode 1 Guns power but don’t add Used markers, 103

Cannon Specialist - Special Ability, 55

Canosian - Alien Species, 17

Cantina - Privately owned recreational base, 220

Captain Tom Overlord - Human explorer, 208

Captain, I Shrank the Enemy! - Mission, 207

Capture - Alive but in Enemy hands at end of mission, 148

Carapace - Zoallan Alien Ability, 23

Cargo Bay - Module allowing 4 slots for Cargo Bay Items, 109

Cargo Bay Items - Special functioning equipment installed in Cargo Bay, 100, 109

Cargo Bay Items, Basic - Items issued free by UREF, 81

Cargo Netting - Cargo Item, 113

Cargo Pod - Module-sized object, carries non-functioning material externally, 100

Carry Capacity - Athletics x10 is total mass of equipment you can have on you, 37

Cash Reward - Overwhelming Success Reward, 149

Casting Pods - Mission, 208

Caught the Admiral’s Eye - Overwhelming Success Reward, 149

CE - Cannon Enhancement, 110

Chaff Mine - Makes targeting more difficult, 135

Chaotic Behavior - Actions for unmoderated Enemy characters, 249

Character - Any being in the game, 5

Character Actions - What your character can do in the game, 28

Character Sheet - Track your characters status, 286, 287

Charger - Special Ability, 55

Charme - Diplomacy Drug, 96

Chasing Missile - Missile missing target or hit allocation continues to attack from aft, 137

Cheetahoid - Alien Species (Beastmen), 16

Chill - Mission specific effect, 188

Chip - Cyberware, 98

Choronzon - Newly discovered planet in sector 9, 258

Chronosian - Alien Species (Advanced), 26

Clamp Fighter -Tie down docked Fighter so ship maneuver doesn’t shake it loose, 123

Claw - Beastman ship, 188

Claws - Beastman Alien Ability, 16

Clickster - Canosian ship, 230

Cloak - Module for making ship stealthy, 126

Clone-Micro-Updater - Treasure, 170

Clonesicles - Treasure, 170

Cloud - Mission specific effect, 188

Coach - Special Ability, 55

Cold Vacuum - Mission, 224

Cole, Stephen V - Blustering Sweetheart, 223

Collect Data - Science Bay action used in some missions, 140

Collisions - Ships hitting one another or astral bodies, 147

Colony Ship - Mission specific ship, 213

Combat - Skill for attacking with ship’s weapons or personal weapons, 38

Combat Skill Chip - Cyberware: Reduce Combat skill check difficulties by 1, 98

Combat Test - Planetary opportunity at Foust IV, 262

Combat Training - Planetary opportunity at Shamir, 262

Combination Arming - Arming a grenade to detonate in 2 or more arming configurations, 90

Comet - Navigation Hazard, 155

Comfortable -Diploid Fighter Upgrade, 125

Commandrix - Zoallan ship, 193

Confuse Enemy - Use Diplomacy to reduce enemy effectiveness, 46

Connected - Special Ability, 55

Contortionist - Special Ability, 56

Conveyer Cargo - Treasure, 165

Cooperative - Kerbite Alien Ability, 19

Cornman - Newly discovered planet in Sector 9, 259

Corona - Stars flare out damaging nearby hexes, 255

Cortex Overloader - Special Ability, 56

Counterscan - Science Bay action vs ½ distance to remove enemy scan markers, 140

Coup de Grace - Spend a preparation Phase then deal 2x damage to a helpless target, 40

Courtier - Special Ability, 56

Cover - Intervening characters increase shot difficulty, have a chance to get hit, 38

CPR - Attempt to give a dying character a chance to avoid further damage, 34

cr - Credits indicate the cost to purchase an item, 74

Crafty - Special Ability, 56

Cramming - Hiding people or objects in a module, 43

Crash Land -Expend Fighter as boarding missile, 123

Credits - Points earned through missions spent to acquire equipment, 148

Cristifratti - Newly discovered planet in sector 9, 259

Crystal Planet - Mission, 185

Cubes - Planetary opportunity at Vixle, 262

Curse Your Sudden But Inevitable Bar Fight - Mission, 230

Cutthroat - Special Ability, 56

Cutting - Treasure Effect, 167

Cyberfoot - Cyberware: Add +1 to your Move, 99

Cyberhand - Cyberware: Add +1 to your Hands, 99

Cyberhook - Cyberware: Vibraknife or use as hand at +1 difficulty, 99

Cybernurse Sick Bay - Treasure, 166

Cyberpatch - Cyberware:Reduce remote penalties and hacking difficulty by 1, 99

Cyberware - Enhancements for non-bot characters, 98


d66 - Roll 2 dice with one as the “10’s” digit and the other as the “1’s” digit

d666 - Roll 3 dice. First is hundreds, second is tens, third die is ones

Damage Control - Cargo Item, 113

Damage Reduction - Armor, alien abilities, & special abilities that mitigate wounds, 34

Damage, Personal - Wounds suffered by characters, 34

Damage/Effect - What an item does, 74

Dangerous - Rolling doubles to use or quickdraw these weapons damages you., 39, 74

Daniels, Bryan - Genuine Friend, 215

De-EMP - Make all the EMPed equipment on a target functional, 45

De-ionize - Science or Engineering 11 to remove ionization markers, 42,45

Deadeye Cannon - Treasure, 165

Death - Brought to dying with no hope of recovery, 148

Death Marcher - Special Ability, 56

Death Marchers - Enemy Morale Ability, 162

Death Striker - Special Ability, 57

Death Toxin - Athletics 8 or die, 97

Decelerate - Helm maneuver, 128

Dedicated - Bot upgrade: -1 to specific Skill check difficulty but +1 difficulty for all other skill checks, 25

Defuse Missile or Mine - Science 11 to render it harmless otherwise kaboom!, 121

Demoralize - Use Diplomacy to reduce enemy morale, 46

Dervish - Special Ability, 57

Destroyed - Equipment that has been doubly broken cannot be repaired, 34

Destroyer - Special Ability, 57

Detach - Engineering 11 to disconnect an item from a Cargo Bay, 109

Detox - Science vs 11 with MedKit or 8 with Sick bay to remove drugs and toxins, 141

Detox - Drug Cancels all drugs and toxins in your system, 96

Dhelmn - Newly discovered planet in sector 8, 258

Dhelmnitych - Planet Dhelmn, 258

Diagnostics - Science vs 0 to ask yes/no questions about objects in Sick Bay, 141

Dictatorship - Muddian ship, 186

Difficulty Number - The number you need to roll equal to or higher than in a skill check, 10

Diploid - Alien Species, 18

Diplomacy - Ancillary skill used to confuse/demoralize enemy, 46

Diplomacy Skill Chip - Cyberware: Reduce Diplomacy skill check difficulties by 1, 98

Diplomacy Studio - Cargo Item, 113

Diplomacy Training - Planetary opportunity at Unity, 262

Diplomatic Approach - Bluff or bluster your way closer to begin some scenarios, 46

Diplomatic Immunity - Mission, 186

Directed Helm - Treasure, 165

Dirtside - Preview of the next Battlestations project, 252

Dirty - Treasure Effect, 167

Dirty Fighter - Special Ability, 57

Dirty Fighters - Enemy Morale Ability, 162

Dirty Weapons - Deal 1 less point of damage but lowest die can’t be healed, 39

Disarm - Attack equipment to cause target to Athletics check of 11 or drop it, 39

Discipline Collar - Cyberware: Bonus roll on active skill checks but damages you on failure, 99

Disembark Fighter -Exiting a Fighter is automatic action, 122

Disintegrate - Athletics 8 or be turned to dust, 82

Disintegration Grenade - Treasure, 171

Disintegrator - Ranged Weapon, 82

Displaced - Special Ability, 57

Ditditdit - Canosian ship, 185

Dock Ship - Helm maneuver, 129

Dock Fighter -Fighter maneuver, 123

Docked Combat - Shooting at a ship you are docked with, 120

Doctor - Special Ability, 57

Dodge - Helm maneuver, 130

Dogfighter - Special Ability, 57

Dominator - Human ship, 204

Donor MedKit - Treasure, 171

Doors - To enter, these must be hacked or broken if not authorized, 31

Double Barrelled - Treasure Effect, 167

Double Dirty - Mission specific Plot Twist, 203

Double Tap - Treasure Effect, 167

Double Vision - Mission specific Plot Twist, 204

Downgrade - Mission specific Plot Twist, 204

Downgrading a Module - Removing bits from a module to create an upgrade barrel., 43

Downsizer - Automated Human ship, 235

Dr. Derrick Winterer - Human scientist, 208

Dragonia - Diploid ship, 229

Dreams - Planetary opportunity at Choronzon, 262

Driven - Enemy Morale Ability, 162

Drone - Cargo Item, 113

Drone Pod - Holds 2 drones, 100

Droned Out - Mission, 235

Drop Mine - Mine doesn’t activate until hex empty, 135

Dropping Stuff - Placing things that are in your hand in yours or an adjacent square, 37

Drugs - Expendables that go into your system, 96

Dual Action Missile Bay - Treasure, 166

Dull - Reduce damage -1/die, 96

Dupuis, Ann, Paul - Godparents of storytelling, 234

Dust Cloud - Navigation Hazard, 155

DV8 from the Norm - Mission, 228

Dying - Wound total 6 or more greater than your hit points, 34

Dying and Life Support - Dying characters suffer unsupported life support damage, 134


e? - Whether an item is energized (subject to EMP), 74

ECM - Science Bay action to spoof missiles, 140

Economic - Campaign Indicator, 176

Efficient Enemies - Enemy Morale Ability, 162

Efficient Module - Treasure, 166

Eklund, Matthew - Super nice guy with bright ideas, 231

Eklund, Phil - Gentle Genius, 226

Electrocuffs - Slags and ties up 2 hands of target (likely overburdened and hands full), 92

Elephantoid - Alien Species (Beastmen), 16

Elusive - Lapinoid Alien Ability, 16

Emily’s World - Planet in the path of an asteroid, 234

EMP - Treasure Effect, 167

EMP - Effect that “breaks” energized equipment, 82

EMP Baton - Melee Weapon, 88

EMP CE - Cargo Item, 113

EMP Field - Nav Hazard, 155

EMP Generator - Cargo Item, 113

EMP Grenade - EMPS those in Line of Sight, 91

EMP Pistol - Ranged Weapon, 82

Empathic - Treasure Effect, 167

EMPlosion Grenade - Treasure, 170

Empowered - Special Ability, 57

Empowered module - Treasure, 166

EMT - Enemy Morale Ability, 163

EMT - Special Ability, 57

Enemy - Player controlling characters and forces outside the heroes’ control, 158

Enemy - Player who controls the game system and opposition forces, 24

Enemy Equipment Chart - Table for randomly determining enemy gear, 161

Enemy Kit - Enemy gear, 161

Enemy Luck - Rerolls enemy may use during the mission, 144

Enemy Skills and Equipment - Enemy character abilities and gear, 160

Enemy Skills Chart - Table for randomly determining enemy attributes, 160

Enemy Victory Mission - After Enemy gets a campaign indicator to a victory threshold, 177

Enemy’s Eyes Only - Hidden information for the Enemy player only to see, 178

Energized - e? whether equipment is subject to EMP, 74

Energized Hyperdrive - Treasure, 165

Energy Blade - Melee Weapon, 88

Energy Cutlass - Melee Weapon, 88

Energy Deflector - Special Ability, 57

Energy Grenade - Explosive Expendable, 91

Energy Vortex - Navigation Hazard, 155

Engine - Module for generating and transferring power, 127

Engine Overloader - Special Ability, 59

Engine Specialist - Special Ability, 59

Engineering - Skill for repairing anything bot-sized or larger and pumping Engines, 42

Engineering Skill Chip - Cyberware: Reduce Engineering skill check difficulties by 1, 98

Enhanced Module - Treasure, 166

Enraged - Special Ability, 59

Enso - Newly discovered planet in Sector 7, 257

Enter Atmosphere - Helm maneuver, 131

Epattcud - Treasure, 171

Equilout - Ignore OOC, 96

Equipment - Items you can use, 74

Ergonomic -Kerbite Fighter Upgrade, 125

Ernest, James - Multi-talented Gem of a Guy, 225

EVA - Removes Life Support requirements, 92

EVA Pill - Treasure, 171

Evasive Maneuvers - Helm maneuver, 130

Experience - Points earned in missions spent to improve skills, 148

Explosion Modulator - Cargo Item, 114

Explosives - Grenades, satchel charges, 90

External Facing - The module is not blocked from an outside edge, 102

Extinguish Fire - Engineering 8 to put out a fire (+3/additional), 150

Extra Hand - Bot upgrade: Bot gets an extra hand, 25

Extradimensional Handbag - Treasure, 170

Extreme Mass Ratio Inspiral - Mission, 237


Facing - Side of a ship (forward, aft, starboard, port), 106

Failed Mission - Heroes were unable to achieve mission objective, 148

Failsafe Missile Bay - Treasure, 166

Failure, Automatic - A dice roll of 1,1 in a skill check fails regardless of difficulty, 211

Falling on Grenades - Coup de Grace yourself with a grenade passing through your square instead of trying to bat it., 90

False Bottom Barrel - Used to conceal contraband, 92

False Cargo Item - Cargo Item, 114

Fanatics - Enemy Morale Ability, 163

Fast Enemies - Enemy Morale Ability, 163

Fast Healer - Special Ability, 59

Fast Healers - Enemy Morale Ability, 163

Fast Learner - Special Ability, 59

Fated - Special Ability, 59

Fearsome Predations of Everett Dingo - Mission, 240

Featherweight - Minutian Alien Ability, 26

Felinoids - Alien Species (Beastmen) (AKA Meeks), 16

Ferocious - Meeks Alien Ability, 16

FiberDerm - Cyberware: +1 Hit Point, reduce Athletics difficulties by 1, 99

Field Surgeon - Special Ability, 59

Fighter -Microship with movement and firepower capabilities, 122

Fighter -Cargo Item, 114

Fighter Actions -Things you can do in a Fighter, 123

Fighter Jock - Special Ability, 59

Fighter Mechanic - Special Ability, 59

Fighter Pod -Holds a Fighter, 100

Fighter Upgrades -Fighter improvements, 124, 125

Finegold - Ancient earth exploratory vessel, 225

Fire - Flaming dmg state that can continue, spread or go out, 150

Fire Starter - Special Ability, 59

Fireproofing - Planetary opportunity at Acciodorr, 262

First Contact - Mission, 187

First Mate - Special Ability, 59

Fist - Melee Weapon, 89

Fistwalk - Xeloxian and Gorilloid Alien Ability, 16, 22

Flanker - Lupinoid Alien Ability, 16

Flare - Marks target, reduces difficulty to target by 3, 91

Flobee Gabrisch - Human Ambassador, 192

Florentine Fighter - Special Ability, 59

Flyboy - Piloting Drug, 96

Flyntlock - Ranged Weapon, 82

Focus - Planetary opportunity at Sheffield Prime, 262

Foresighted - Special Ability, 59

Forethinker - Special Ability, 60

Fortunate - Special Ability, 60

Foust IV - Newly discovered planet in sector 9, 258

Free Action - Action that doesn’t require spending an action, 30

Free Attack - Take a free melee combat action when others enter your square, 31, 54

Freighter - Lumbering cargo vessels, 283

Fritzer Grenade - Damages modules more than personnel, 91

FrostBomb - Puts out fires, generates frost effect, 91

Froster - Ranged Area Effect Weapon, 83

Frozen Controls - Mission specific Plot Twist, 199

Ft. Wayne Planet - Planetary home of a prestigious youth academy, 229

Fume-Runner - Special Ability, 60

Fungaloid - Alien Species, 18

Fusion Cannon - Combat vs. 3x distance to put a Guns sized explosion in space, 103

Fusion Node CE - Cargo Item, 113


Gaidaszgrad -Newly discovered planet in sector 7, 256

Galactic Map - Revised picture of known galaxy, 260

Galley - Cargo Item, 114

Garfield, Richard - Nicest Genius Ever, 218

Gargantuan -Whaloid Fighter Upgrade, 125

Garrity, Sean - Confidante and collaborator, 210

Gas - Cloud in a module that may affect occupants, 151

Gas Generator - Cargo Item, 114

Gas Giant - Planet that destroys anything that lands on them, 254

Gas Grenade - Puts a gas cloud in module, 91

Gas Missile - Delivers gas cloud, 136

Generator Helm - Treasure, 165

GenexTank - Treasure, 169

Gerritson, Tim - Generous Soul, 229

Ghost 34-5 - Uncharted planet, 225

Ghost in the Machine - Special Ability, 60

Ghost Ship - Mission, 188

Ghosts - Mission specific enemies, 188

Gimballed Module - Treasure, 166

Glossdex - Index/Glossary you are looking at it, 288

Goatee - Signifier of evil, 192

God of Peace - Mission, 216

Goof - Reroll highest die in active skill checks, 97

Gorilloid - Alien Species (Beastmen), 16

Grand Entrance Teleporter - Treasure, 166

Grappling - Combat check to take, hinder, or throw, 40

Grav Sled, Sentient - Treasure, 171

GravSled - Lowers move but increases carry by 200, 92

Grease Monkey - Special Ability, 60

Great Dining - Planetary opportunity at 251, 262

Grenade-minton - Infinite batting back and forth of grenades (cleverly prevented herein), 90

Grenades - Expendables, 90

Grenadier - Special Ability, 60

Guest Star Missions - Missions inspired and/or designed by Jeff’s friends, 206

Gunner’s Mate - Special Ability, 60

Gurarg - Newly discovered planet in sector 7, 257

Gweeds - Inhabitants of planet 251, 259

Gymnasium - Cargo Item, 114

Gyros - Bot upgrade: Ignore 1 OOC, 25

Gyroscopic Stabilizer -Xeloxian Fighter Upgrade, 125

Gyrostabilized - Treasure Effect, 167


Hacker - Special Ability, 60

Hands - Number of limbs you can use to manipulate objects and battlestations, 13

Hands Full - =+3 penalty on actions that require a free hand, 13

Hangar Cargo Bay - Treasure, 165

Hardened - Special Ability, 60

Hatching - Bug generation in Infestation mission, 191

HazMat Suit - Bonus against hazardous effects -1 move, 93

Heal - Remove wounds, 94, 141

Healer - Special Ability, 60

Heavy Blaster, Disruptor, Ion Bore, Laser, Slug - Heavy Ranged Weapon, 86

Heavy Mine - Heavy Missile dmg. -3 difficulty to dodge, 135

Heavy Missile - Less accurate, greater payload, 138

Heavy Object - Melee Weapon, 89

Heavy Particle Gun - Heavy Ranged Weapon, 86

Heavy Ranged - Floor mounted weapon deals greater damage, requires Armory, 86

Heavy Shield - Increases your target number by 2, 95

Heavy Shielded - Treasure Effect, 167

Heavy Slug Gun - Heavy Ranged Weapon, 86

Heavy Slug Machine Gun - Heavy Ranged Area Effect Weapon, 86

Helm - Module for controlling ship speed and heading, 128

Hero - Each player’s character is a hero, 121

Hero’s Choice - Overwhelming Success Reward, 149

High Capacity Cargo Bay - Treasure, 165

High Performance Hyperdrive - Treasure, 165

High Quality Numb - Treasure, 170

Hinder - Grapple effect to increase difficulty of target’s next action, 40

Hit Allocation - Method used to determine where a Missile, Teleporter, or Cannon hits, 107

Hit Points - Amount of damage you can sustain before going unconscious, 122

Hollingsworth - Newly discovered planet in sector 8, 258

Homesick - Mission, 211

Homing Beacon - Mission specific Plot Twist, 201

Honeycutt, JR - Gaming Media Mogul, 211

Horn - Rhinoceroid Alien Ability, 16

Hostages - Mission, 229

Hot Dog - Special Ability, 60

Hot Pursuit - Mission, 190

HP - Hit Points, 122

Hull Check Chart - Shows number needed to roll to survive based on hull damage, 108, 300

Hull Damage - Aggregate damage ship has sustained may cause hull check, 108

Hull Stablizer - Cargo Item, 114

Hull Stress Empath - Special Ability, 61

Human - Alien Species, 19

Hunch Follower - Special Ability, 61

Hurl - Use a melee weapon for a ranged attack, 40

Hydraulics - Bot upgrade: Double Carry Capacity, 25

Hydroponics Module - Mission specific experimental module, 222

Hyper-Do Ultraviolet Belt - Special Ability, 61

Hyper-Physicist - Special Ability, 61

Hyperaggressive -Whistler Fighter Upgrade, 125

Hyperdrive - Module for warping in and warping out of system, 132

Hyperg Barrel - Treasure, 171


Imbalance of Terror - Mission, 229

Immediate Arming - Instant detonation of an explosive, 90

Immense - Whaloid Alien Ability, 27

In-Flight Repairs (Fighter) - Engineering 11 to Remove a damage marker, 123

Indicator - Campaign indicator, 176

Indirect - Damages an area rather than targeting an individual, 74

Inertial Dampener - Cargo Item, 114

Infestation - Mission, 190

Innerspace - Condition within a specific mission, 195

Installation - Engineering 11 to attach an item to a Cargo Bay, 109

Intercepting Grenades - Deflecting an explosive that is hurled into your square, 90

Interstellar Movement - Movement on the galactic map isn’t usually part of a game, 152

Into the Void - Mission, 246

Intuitive - Special Ability, 61

Ion Bore - Ranged Weapon, 83

Ion CE - Cargo Item, 112

Ion Grenade - Raises ionization level of those in L.O.S., 91

Ion Hammer - Melee Weapon, 89

Ion Storm - Navigation Hazard, 155

Ionizer - Cargo Item, 114

Ionizer Toxin - Raise target’s ionization by 2, 97

Irrational - Silicoid marine, 194


J* - Evil genius, 196

Jack of All Trades - Special Ability, 62

Jet Juice - Treasure, 171

Jet Move - Using a JetPack or alien ability to turn one square of your movement into a 10 square line of movement, 33

JetPack - Piloting 8 to Jet-Move, 93

JetPack Jockey - Special Ability, 62

Johnson, Jonah - Jonah, Just Jonah, 216

Jump Action - Action taken to speed up interstellar movement, 152

Jump Seat -Bot Fighter Upgrade, 125

Jury Rigger - Special Ability, 62

Jury Riggers - Enemy Morale Ability, 163


Kayo - Athletics check of 8 or knocked out now and at end of Round, 97

Kerbite - Alien Species, 19

Kevric - Diploid diplomat, 220

Kharrrggg - Troll planet, 227

Kidnap Dignitary - Mission, 192

Killer Instinct - Special Ability, 62

Kit - Enemy gear, 161

Klickit - Canosian ship, 201

Knife - Melee Weapon, 89


Land - Helm maneuver, 131

Lang, Eric - Cool Game Designer, 220

Lapinoid - Alien Species (Beastmen), 16

Laser - Ranged Weapon, 83

Laser Monocle - Ranged Weapon, 83

Launch Tube - Cargo Item, 114

Leave Atmosphere - Helm maneuver, 131

Lien, Dennis - Beacon of Joy, 228

Life Support - Module allowing crew to live aboard ship, 134

Light’s Out - Mission, 193

Lightning Rod - Melee Wpn, 89

Line of Sight (Ships) - Whether a ship can target another and where it will hit, 106

Line Of Sight, (Personal) - Tracing an unobstructed path for personal weapons fire, 38

Link up - Joining hands as spacewalkers, 33

Little, Jason - Battlestations fan before he was famous, 243

Local Life Support - Cargo Item, 114

Long Cannon - Combat vs ½ distance +2x Speed to deliver ½ Guns hit, 103

Long Range Sensors - Cargo Item, 114

Loomis, Rick - Industry Legend, 212

Lost - Navigation Hazard, 155

Lost Children - Mission, 225

Luck - Rerolls you can use on your skill checks, damage you take and more, 10, 13

Luck, Enemy - Rerolls enemy may use during the mission, 144

Lucky - Special Ability, 62

Lucky Devils - Enemy Morale Ability, 163

Lupee - New senator from Mud, 186

Lupinoids - Alien Species (Beastmen), 16


Macroplastic Putty - Treasure, 171

MagBoots - -1 move but may walk outside ship at no penalty, 94

Magnum - Treasure Effect, 167

Maiden Voyage - Fiction, 172

Majesty - Zoallan ship, 181

Maneuver - Helm action to fly the ship with Piloting skill, 128

Mass - Amount of your carry capacity an item takes up, 74

Master Engine - Treasure, 165

MD - Mission Difficulty, 144

Mechanical - Bot Alien Ability, 24

Mechanical Empath - Special Ability, 62

MedJack - Cyberware: Stores Drugs, makes it easier to heal you, 99

MedKit - Science to Heal, Detoxify, De-ionize, 94

Meeks - Alien Species (Beastmen) (Felinoids), 16

Megafin - Cargo Item, 114

Megateleportometer - Functionality got folded into long range sensors Cargo Item, 114

Megatorpedo - Cargo Item, 115

Megatronic Helmet - Treasure, 170

Melee - Personal combat with adjacent targets, 38

Mentally Shielded - Special Ability, 63

Mentor Chip - Cyberware: Earn 10% bonus Experience, 98

Mephisto Incident - Mission, 232

Micro Blaster - Ranged Weapon, 83

Microship -Fighter, drone, relay station, mine, missile, boarding torpedoes, 122

Military - Campaign Indicator, 176

Mind Control - Ability to select another’s action, 156

Mind Mender - Special Ability, 63

Mine Layer - Module for placing mines, 135

Minutian - Alien Species (Advanced), 26

Miracle Worker - Special Ability, 63

Mirror Universe - Mission, 192

Misses - Failed personal attacks might break modules, 38

Missile Bay - Module for launching missiles, probes and boarding torpedoes, 136

Missile Enhancement Device - Cargo Item, 115

Missile Pod - Launches 2 missiles, 100

Missile Upgrades - Planetary opportunity at Gaidaszgrad, 262

Missiles - Deliver troops or munitions, 136

Mission Difficulty - (AKA MD) Challenge difficulty based on the average hero Rank, 144

Mission Objective - Heroes goal for a mission, 178

Mission Selection - Choosing a mission in a campaign, 176

Mission to the Heart of the Ambassador - Mission, 215

Missions - Scenarios, 178

Mobile - Enemy Morale Ability, 163

Mobile - Special Ability, 63

Moble Battlestation - Treasure, 171

Modifier Table - Skill Check, 299

Module - Square tiles that make up ships, 102

Module Upgrade Barrel - Needed in some campaigns where upgrades aren’t free, 94

Modules - 5” Square tiles with specific functionality that collectively form a ship, 102

Monomolecular Blade - Melee Weapon, 89

Moon - Planet without atmosphere, 254

Morale - Measure of an enemy’s willingness to fight (optional), 46

Morale Ability - Enemy ability they can purchase with Plot Twist cards, 162

Motivated - Enemy Morale Ability, 163

Motivated - Bot upgrade: Upgrading hero may spend their luck to give this bot rerolls, 25

Move Cargo Item - Tractor as automatic or Athletics 14 to move a Cargo Bay item, 109

Move, Personal - Changing a figure’s location on modules, 31

Move, Ship - Ships move on starmap each Phase based on Speed., 146

Movement Order - Order in which ships move, 147

Mr. Fixit - Special Ability, 63

Muddian - New civilization, 186

Multi - Treasure Effect, 167

Multi Cannon - Cannon mode 1 Guns power but don’t add Used markers, 103

Multi-Capacitor - Cargo Item, 115

Multi-Missile Bay - Treasure, 166

Multi-Shot Expert - Special Ability, 63

Multitasker - Bot upgrade: Take an extra action during move., 25


Naming Conventions - Cultural explanations for selecting monikers, 285

Nannite Grenade - Treasure, 170

Navigation Hazard - Potential troubles with interstellar movement, 154

Nebula - Phenomena that blocks warping and line of sight, 254

Needler - Ranged Weapon, 83

Nerve Disruptor - Ranged Weapon, 83

Nervo - Athletics check of 11 or drop everything in hand, 97

Neutralize Drugs and Toxins - Science 11 (and MedKit) to remove all drugs and toxins from target, 45

Neutron Grenade - Ouchos those in L.O.S., 91

Neworked Module - Treasure, 166

Nimble - Special Ability, 63

Nimble Engine - Treasure, 165

Nire -High queen of Reisom, 256

Noble - Special Ability, 63

NPC Bots - Bots that are not sentient, 25

Numb - Reroll highest die of damage and skill checks, 96

Numb Runner - Special Ability, 63


Obsessive - Special Ability, 63

Omniscient - Special Ability, 64

On/Off - Indicates whether a Cargo Item is activated, 109

OOC - Out Of Control, 7

OOC and movement - Penalty to move for ship being out of control applies only 1/Phase, 31

Open Module - Broken modules allow you to stow people or contraband, 43

Opportunity - Cruise liner, 202

Order of Play - Step by step process of preparing and playing, 146

Ouchifier - Cargo Item, 115

Oucho - Suffer 1d6-1 at end of each Phase, 97

Out Of Control - (AKA OOC) Penalty to movement and actions based on ship buffeting, 7

Overburdened - Exceeding carry capacity penalizes your Move by 1 and actions by +3, 37

Overloader - Special Ability, 64

Overloaders - Enemy Morale Ability, 163

Overstressed Life Support - Having too many people aboard long term, 134

Overwatch - Hold a specific action, 29

Overwhelming Success - Heroes were able to achieve secondary objective, 148, 178

Ovoid - Secret key to unmentionable power, 244


Pack - Objects inside have half mass but inaccessible, 94

Pack Mule - Special Ability, 64

Padded -Minutian Fighter Upgrade, 125

Paino - Suffer +2 points per die of damage, 97

Partial E-Grail - Treasure, 171

Particle Gun - Ranged Weapon, 84

Passive Skill Check - Out of turn skill check to resist Stun, etc. ignores most penalties., 30

Patches - Drug is in hand for you without spending hand, 96

Patient - Enemy Morale Ability, 163

Patient - Special Ability, 64

Patient - Crocodillian Alien Ability, 16

Peek - Ending your move between 2 squares to get partial cover, 31

Peeking - Ending your move between 2 squares gives you partial cover., 31

Pegaasus - Planet in sect 5, 238

Penrose Process - Gathering accretion disk material, 237

Pentaquarks - Mission, 194

Perpetual Bots - Mission, 196

Perpetual Mine Layer - Treasure, 166

Perpetual Motion Helm - Treasure, 165

Persevering - Special Ability, 64

Personal Attacks - Combat unarmed or with personal weapons, 39

Personal Combat - Using Melee or Ranged attacks, 38

Personal Damage - Wounds taken onto a character, 34

Personal Equipment Upgrades - Overwhelming Success Reward, 149

Personal Upgrade Kit - Needed in some campaigns where upgrades aren’t free, 94

Personal Wormhole Generator - Treasure, 171

Peterson, Paul - Approachable Legend, 242

Phase - Unit of time in which Ships move and characters act (6 per Round), 146

Phase Delay - Arming a grenade to detonate at the end of 0-6 Phases, 90

Phase Die - Tracks the Phase you are on., 146

Phase Pick - Melee Weapon, 89

Phasing -Pyreltian Fighter Upgrade, 125

Phasing - Pyreltian Alien Ability, 27

Pick’em - Treasure, 165

Pickup Spacewalker (Fighter) -Piloting vs. smallest Target number +3/additional group, 123

Pickup Spacewalker (ship) - Helm maneuver, 130

Piercing Missile Enhancement Device - Treasure, 168

Piloting - Skill used to operate JetPacks, Fighters, or Helm, 44

Ping - Hyperdrive module action to look for cloaked objects, 133

Pinkerton - Independent security contractors, 226

Place Mine - Mine Layer action Engineering vs 2x distance, 135

Planet - Hunks of rock with atmosphere, 254

Planet Eater - Mission, 238

Planet of the Trolls - Mission, 227

Planet Parkes - Newly discovered planet in sector 9, 259

Planetary Defenses - Mission specific Plot Twist, 199

Planetary Shield - Mission specific special rule, 181

Planetfall - Helm maneuver, 131

Plasma Bolt - Ranged Area Effect Weapon, 84

Plasma CE - Cargo Item, 113

Plasma Dagger - Melee Weapon, 89

Plasma Fire Disaster - Mission, 197

Plasma Grenade - Fire damage to those in L.O.S., 91

Plasma Mine - Starts fire, 135

Plasma Missile - Sets Fire, 138

Plasma Pistol - Ranged Weapon, 84

Plasma Projector - Ranged Area Effect Weapon, 84

Plasma Wizard - Special Ability, 64

Playtester - People who try to make my game better, 2

Ploetz, Markus - German Genius, 238

Plot Twist - Enemy cards or mission specific benefits Enemy can buy with cards, 162, 178

Plot Twist Cards - Enemy cards they play or surrender for abilities or Luck, 144

Pods - Jettisonable external module sized objects, 100

Poisonous - Treasure Effect, 167

Poisonous bite - Reptilianoid Alien Ability, 16

Polarizer - Special Ability, 64

Political - Campaign Indicator, 176

Pop - Move 1 square as part of an action, 30

Porta-Ram - Beastmen Fighter Upgrade, 125

PortaRam - Melee Weapon, 89

Power Generation - Ships go to minimum of 1 Power in each system on Phase 1, 146

Power Grubber - Mission specific monster, 224

Power Slider - Special Ability, 64

Powered Armor - Cargo Item mechanized fighting suit, 118

Powered Armor - Cargo Item, 115

Powered Armor Expert - Special Ability, 64

Preconceived - Special Ability, 65

Prehensile - Treasure Effect, 167

Prepare - Spending this Phase’s action to reduce difficulty of action next Phase, 30

Prepared - Enemy Morale Ability, 163

Prestidigitator - Special Ability, 65

Prestige - Points earned through missions spent to increase Rank, 148

Private Tutelage - Overwhelming Success Reward, 149

Privateer - Mission specific Plot Twist, 199

Probe -Fungaloid Fighter Upgrade, 125

Probe Mine - Acts as Science Probe, 135

Profession - Skill checks you get a free reroll in, 10, 36

Proton Ray - Mission specific phenomena, 239

Proximity - Arming a grenade to detonate when approached, 90

Psi Drugs - Planetary opportunity at Bob, 262

Psionic - Treasure Effect, 167

Psionic Ability - An ability that stretches beyond realism, 49

Psionics - Skill used to manipulate the universe with your mind (optional), 48

Psionics Skill Chip - Cyberware: Reduce Psionics skill check difficulties by 1, 98

Psionics Training - Planetary opportunity at Dhelmn, 262

Psionics Training - Planetary opportunity at Reisom, 262

Psychic Blaster - Special Ability, 65

Psychic Shifter - Special Ability, 65

Psychic Stunner - Special Ability, 65

Puff - Whistler Alien Ability, 22

Pulsar - Dangerous phenomena, 254

Pulsar - Mission specific phenomena, 195

Pump Engine - Engineering 8 to get 1 Power, 11 for 2 etc., 127

Punisher Cannon - Treasure, 165

Puppeteer - Special Ability, 65

PvP - Playing heroes against heroes, 248

Pyreltian - Alien Species (Advanced), 27


Quadrinary - Silicoid Cruiser, 197

Quartermaster - Special Ability, 65

Quasar - Black Hole combined with Pulsar, 255

Queen, Infestation - Mission specific enemy, 191

Quick on the Stick - Special Ability, 65

Quick-Minded - Special Ability, 65

Quickdraw, give, holster - Attempting to ready or stow an object without expending your action, 37

Quiet! - Tentac ship, 185


Radiation Storm - Navigation Hazard, 155

Radium CE - Cargo Item, 113

Rally - Use Diplomacy to increase your crew’s morale, 47

Ram - Helm maneuver, 129

Random Mission Table - List of scenarios, 299

Random Module Chart - List of modules, 166

Random Species Chart - Use to generate foe/vessel registries, 284

Range Band - Distance at which range penalty is imposed, 38

Range Penalty - Increased difficulty to hit a target based on distance, 38

Ranged Combat - Personal combat, 38

Reach - Vomeg Alien Ability, 21

Reckless - Special Ability, 65

Reckless Foes - Mission specific Plot Twist, 203

Reconfigure Cannon - Engineering 8 to put cannon into Standard, Long Range, Multi, or Fusion mode, 103

Recycling Life Support - Treasure, 165

Redundant -Blootian Fighter Upgrade, 125

Redundant Module - Treasure, 166

Reflection - Mission, 210

Reflexive - Enemy Morale Ability, 163

Reflexive - Special Ability, 66

Regenerate - Fungaloid Alien Ability, 18

Reinforced -Silicoid Fighter Upgrade, 125

Reisom -Newly discovered planet in sector 7, 256

Relay Station - Cargo Item, 115

Relevant skill - Skill used in a task, 28

Remote - Arming a grenade to be detonated with a WristComp or Science Bay, 90

Remote Penalty - Operating a battlestation in a different module from yours, 9

Repair Equipment - Science skill vs 11 to fix broken objects, 34

Repair Fighter -Engineering 11 to Remove a damage marker, 123

Repair Module - Engineering 11 to remove a broken marker from a module, 42

Reptilianoid - Alien Species (Beastmen), 16

Requisitions - Rank check to get free gear at end of mission, 149

Rescue - Planetary opportunity at Gurarg, 262

Rescue Pod - Navigation Hazard, 155

Rescue Pod - Pickup spacewalker, 139

Rescue the Envoy - Mission, 235

Research - Science Bay action vs distance to ask a yes or no question, 140

Research Specialist - Special Ability, 66

Resilient - Tentac Alien Ability, 20

Resonant Matrix -Trundlian Fighter Upgrade, 125

Resourceful - Special Ability, 66

Rest - Planetary opportunity at Hollingsworth, 262

Retarget Missile - Combat vs distance action to select new target for missile, 137

Retraining - Spend a mission without a special ability or profession to change them, 49

Reversi-Juice - Treasure, 170

Revive the Dying - Sick Bay action to bring the dying to -5 hit points, 141

Rhinoceroid - Alien Species (Beastmen), 16

Ring - Surrounds some planets interferes with movement and visibility, 255

Risk Levels - Decision making tool for unmoderated Enemies, 250

Rock’em Cannon - Treasure, 165

Rocket Booster - Cargo Item, 115

Rocket Launcher - Powered Armor weapon, 119

Rocket Pistol - Ranged Weapon, 84

Rocket Refuel - Cargo Item, 115

Rocky - Silicoid Alien Ability, 20

Roid - Athletics Drug, 96

Roll Twice - Enemy Morale Ability, 163

Rolls With It - Special Ability, 66

Round - (6 Phases) Unit of time, 146

Rowe, Tony - Gaming Scholar, 236

rq# - (AKA Requisition Number) Difficulty to requisition an item, 74

Ruby Slippers - Treasure, 171

Run - Athletics check of 11 to move an extra square, 33

Run Mission - Follow the Sequence of Play until success or failure, 146

Running Silent - Ship invisible if Cloak level exceeds power levels and OOC, 126


Saboteur - Special Ability, 66

Safe - Treasure Effect, 167

Safe - Weapon does not harm modules, 74

Safety Chamber - Cargo Item, 115

Sample Character Sheet - Example of Theo Retica’s special ability list, 49

Sanity - Skill used to keep your head together in horror games (optional), 48

Sanity Skill Chip - Cyberware: Reduce Sanity skill check difficulties by 1, 98

Satchel Charge - Heavy Explosive damages module, occupants, 91

Saw Gun - Treasure, 170

Scan - Science Bay action vs ½ distance to get information about a target, 140

Science - Skill used to operate green modules, and use MedKits, 45

Science Bay - Module allows Shields, Research, Scans, ECM, 140

Science Probe - Count distance to probe for research, 138

Science Skill Chip - Cyberware: Reduce Science skill check difficulties by 1, 98

Scientific - Campaign Indicator, 176

Scope - Count range to target as half, 94

Second Helping - Overwhelming Success Reward, 149

Secret Goals - Mission specific modifier, 208

Secret of the Ovoid - Mission, 244

Seeker Missile - More accurate, less payload, 138

Seer - Special Ability, 66

Self Destruct - Cargo Item, 115

Semi-moderated - Playing with Enemy player on your crew, 248

Sentient Engine - Treasure, 165

Sentient Module - Treasure, 166

Sequence of Play - Full list of order of operations, 300

Setup - Prep before play, 144

Shamir - Newly discovered planet in sector 8, 257

Sharp-shooters - Enemy Morale Ability, 163

Sharpshooter - Special Ability, 66

Sheffield Prime - Newly discovered planet in sector 9, 259

Shell - Testudinoid Alien Ability, 16

Shield - Increases your target number by 1, 94

Shield Capacitor - Cargo Item, 116

Shield Harmonizer - Special Ability, 66

Shield, Heavy - Increases your target number by 2, 95

Shieldcutter - Cargo Item, 116

Shielded - Treasure Effect, 167

Shielded Engine - Treasure, 165

Shielded Module - Treasure, 166

Shields - Power level that retards incoming cannon shot damage, 140

Shifty Cloak - Treasure, 170

Ship - Starship, 6, 265

Ship Control Sheet - Used to track ship data, 264

Ship Explosion - Ships failing hull checks send out a blast based on size, 108

Ship to Ship Combat - The art of delivering damage to targets in space, 104

Ship Upgrades - Overwhelming Success Reward, 149

Shknorkleblorp - Rosetta stone word for new life form, 187

Shock Trooper - Special Ability, 66

Shock Troopers - Mission specific Plot Twist, 203

Shock Troopers - Enemy Morale Ability, 163

Shooting Spacewalkers - Combat check vs. distance to deal 3 dice personal damage, 103

Shore Leave - Planetary opportunity at Cristifratti, 262

Short Fuse - Arming a grenade to detonate at the end of your turn, 90

Showdown - Mission, 198

Sick Bay - Module used to heal, diagnose and revive the dying, 141

Sideslip - Helm maneuver, 128

Silence - Planetary opportunity at Cornman, 262

Silicoid - Alien Species, 20

Silverback - Canosian desroyer ship, 224

Skeletal Enhancement - Cyberware: Increase carry by 10, 99

Skill - Athletics, Combat, Engineering, Piloting, Science, Sanity, Diplomacy, 10

Skill Check - Roll 2 dice. If equal to or higher than difficulty, succeed., 10

Skill Chip - Cyberware: Reduce difficulty of skill checks within a specific skill, 98

Skill, basic - Athletics, Combat, Engineering, Piloting, Science, 36

Sklortch - Vomeg crime lord, 210

Slagged - Modules with 2 broken markers. Actions and movement impaired, 108

Slagged Movement - Costs 2 squares of movement to enter a slagged square., 31

Slater - Newly discovered planet in sector 7, 257

Sleeper Cannon - Treasure, 165

Slipster - Special Ability, 66

Slowgo - Move attribute reduced to 1, 97

Slug Machine Gun - Ranged Area Effect Weapon, 84

Slug Pistol - Ranged Weapon, 84

Smart Cannon - Treasure, 165

Smoke Grenade - Blocks vision and Life Support in Module, 91

Smooth - Special Ability, 66

Smuggle - Mission, 199

Smuggler - Special Ability, 67

Smuggler Cargo Bay - Treasure, 165

Smuggler’s hatch - Cargo Item, 116

Snakoid - Alien Species (Beastmen), 16

Sneaker Cloaking Device - Treasure, 165

Sneaky Mine Layer - Treasure, 166

Sniper - Special Ability, 67

Sofge, Neal - Joyful Curmudgeon, 237

Solar Sails - Cargo Item, 116

Solo Play - Playing without an Enemy player, 248

Sonic Beam - Ranged Area Effect Weapon, 84

Space Maps - Hexagonal gridded boards for starships to move on, 146

Space Slug - Mission specific monster, 211

Spacelegs - Special Ability, 67

Spacer - Special Ability, 67

Spacewalker - Outide the ship you have no Life Support, 134

Special Abilities - You can have 1 amazing trick per Rank, 49

Sp. Ability Chart - Special Ability Index, 50

Special Delivery - Mission, 212

Special Rules - Features that may be unique to this mission, 178

Specialized Tutor - Overwhelming Success Reward, 149

Species - Your type of creature affects your abilities, 13

Speed Demon - Special Ability, 67

Spiteful Devils - Enemy Morale Ability, 163

Spoils - Heroes may claim one personal item of captured gear, 149

Sprint - Cheetahoid Alien Ability, 16

St Andre, Ken - Delightful Icon, 227

Stackpole, Mike - Author, Dancer, Raconteur, 230

Stall - Helm maneuver, 128

Standard Cannon - Combat vs distance +2x Speed to deliver Guns hit, 103

Standoff - Convert a Coup de Grace opportunity to overwatch, 41

Star - Suns dangerous coronas lash out into nearby hexes, 255

Star Fortress - Mission, 236

Star Generator - Treasure, 170

Star-Crossed - Enemy Morale Ability, 163

Starship - Modular object you fly around the galaxy, 62

Starship Registry - Benefit for ships produced by a certain shipyard, 263

Staseostasis - Planetary opportunity at Enso, 262

Stasis Grenade - Treasure, 171

Stasis Rifle - Treasure, 171

Stasisville - Mission, 200

Stationary Battlestations Station - Mission, 214

Steady - Helm maneuver, 129

Steady Handed - Special Ability, 67

Steady Helm - Treasure, 165

Stealth Tech -Otyssian Fighter Upgrade, 125

Stim - Movement Drug (even for dying), 96

Stoccy’s Outpost - Newly discovered planet in sector 9, 259

Stoccy’s Trail - Planetary opportunity at Stoccy’s Outpost, 262

Stowing Away - Hiding inside a module, 43

Strafing CE - Cargo Item, 113

Strong - Silicoid Alien Ability, 20

Stun - Athletics 11 or incapacitated, 85

Stun CE - Cargo Item, 113

Stun Generator - Cargo Item, 116

Stun Grenade - Creates Stun effect in L.O.S., 91

Stun Stick - Melee Weapon, 89

Stun toxin - Athletics 11 or stunned, 97

StunGone - Stun resistance Drug, 96

Stunner - Special Ability, 68

Sturdy - Enemy Morale Ability, 163

Sturdy - Bot upgrade -1 on Athletics Skill check difficulty, 25

Success, Overwhelming - Heroes were able to achieve overwhelming objective, 148

Successful Mission - Heroes achieve mission objective, 148

Super - Treasure Effect, 167

Super EMP - Mission specific phenomena, 239

Superheavy Shielded - Treasure Effect, 167

Superlucky - Enemy Morale Ability, 163

SuperMart -Planet Gaidaszgrad, 256

Supernova Jump - Mission, 234

Supply Ship - Overwhelming Success Reward, 149

Support - Planetary opportunity at Planet Parkes, 262

SupSci - Science Drug, 96

Sure Handed - Special Ability, 68

Suscepto - Reroll highest die in successful Athletics check, 97

Swashbuckler - Special Ability, 68

Switcher Cannon - Treasure, 165

Sword - Melee Weapon, 89

Symbiont - Mission specific monster, 224

Symbiote - Treasure, 170

Sympathetic - Special Ability, 68

Synchronized -Chronosian Fighter Upgrade, 125


Tables Turned - Mission, 242

Tactical Doctrine Flowchart - Unmoderated play system aid, 251

Tailgunner - Special Ability, 68

Take - Grapple effect to grab opponent’s equipment, 40

Tanker Freighter Convoy - Mission, 201

Target Number - Difficulty for others to hit you with personal attacks, 13

Targeting Computer - Cargo Item, 116

Targeting Modules - Attacking the ship from the inside, 34

Targeting Personal Equipment - Attacking objects, 34

Techlab Science Bay - Treasure, 166

TecKnow - Engineering Drug, 96

Teflon Cloaking Device - Treasure, 165

TeleChute - Cargo Item, 116

Telekinetic - Special Ability, 68

Teleoptic - Treasure Effect, 167

Teleporter - Module used to deliver people or bombs to other ships, 142

Teleporter Specialist - Special Ability, 68

Tempora - Star lab, 200

Tentac - Alien Species, 20

Tentac Corner Gun - Treasure, 170

Terrorist Cruise Liner - Mission, 202

Testudinoid - Alien Species (Beastmen), 16

Thick Hide - Beastman Alien Ability, 16

Throw - Grapple effect to move target, 40

Throwing Grenades - Combat difficulty 3+distance, 90

Throwing Satchel Charge - Combat difficulty 3+ 2x distance, 90

Tidball, Jeff - Arguably the better Jeff, 240

Timehop - Chronosian Alien Ability, 26

Tinkerer - Special Ability, 68

Tiny - Minutian Alien Ability, 26

TKTK - Canosian scientist, 194

ToolKit - Reduces Engineering difficulties to Upgrade, Repair or put out Fires by 1, 95

Tough - Special Ability, 68

Tough - Gorilloid Alien Ability, 16

Tough Cargo Bay - Treasure, 165

Tough Silicoid - Special Ability, 69

Toward Ice - Human scout ship, 208

Toxin - Poisons delivered by Needler, or gas grenade, 97

Tractor - Cargo Item for grabbing things, 120

Tractor Dock - Holding a docked ship fast with Tractor, 120

Tractored Fighters -Holding a Fighter penalizes its actions and move, 121

Trampler - Special Ability, 69

Tramplers - Enemy Morale Ability, 163

Transcendence - Mission, 231

Transfer Power - Engineering 8 to move 1 Power, 11 for 2 etc., 127

Trauma Center Sick Bay - Treasure, 166

Treasure - Special Items, 164

Treasure Maps - Planetary opportunity at Slater, 262

Triage Medic - Special Ability, 69

Trick Shot - Special Ability, 69

Tricky - Special Ability, 70

Trolls - Mission specific monsters, 227

Trundlian - Alien Species, 21

Tumble - Canosian Alien Ability, 17

Turn - Helm maneuver, 128

Turn Specialist - Special Ability, 70

Turtloid - Alien Species (Beastmen), 16

Tusks - Elephantoid Alien Ability, 16


Uber Cannon - Treasure, 165

Ulisses - Human Dreadnought, 238

Ultralight - Treasure Effect, 167, 169

Unbreakable - Treasure Effect, 167

Uncanny Intelligence - Enemy Morale Ability, 163

Unclamp Fighter -Allow Fighter to fly away from ship, 123

Unconscious - Wound total equal to or greater than your hit points by up to 6 you may not act, 34

Unconventional - Special Ability, 70

Unflappable - Special Ability, 70

Uniminded - Special Ability, 71

Unity - Newly discovered planet in sector 9, 258

Unlimited - Special Ability, 71

Unpredictable - Special Ability, 71

Unsinkable - Enemy Morale Ability, 163

Unsinkable - Special Ability, 71

Unsupported Life Suppport - Spacewalking or broken Life Support on Phase 6, 134

Upgrades - Improving personal gear with Science or modules with Engineering, 145

Upquark Missile - Mission specific phenomena, 195

Ursinoid - Alien Species (Beastmen), 16

Used Marker - Most modules increase difficulty to operate them by 3 for each of these, 127


Vampiric - Treasure Effect, 167

Vasel, Tom - Honest reviewer, 208

Vaughan, Peter - True Gamer, 210

Vectored -Canosian Fighter Upgrade, 125

Verdant Toadstool - Treasure, 171

Versatile - Trundlian Alien Ability, 21

Versatile Science Bay - Treasure, 166

Vibraknife - Melee Weapon, 89

Victory Mission - After bringing a campaign indicator to a victory threshold, 177

Vigour, Joey - Awesome Pal, 244

Vixle - Newly discovered planet in sector 8, 257

Void Brute - Canosian ship, 246

Voltrex - Ranged Weapon, 84

Vomeg - Alien Species, 21


Waggle - Helm maneuver, 128

Wake Rider - Special Ability, 71

Warhead Mine - Like a missile, 135

Warp Driven Mine Layer - Treasure, 166

Warp Inhibitor - Cargo Item, 116

Warp Optimizer - Cargo Item, 116

Warping In - Hyperdrive module action at start of mission, 132

Warping Out - Hyperdrive module action to leave system, 132

Waste Management Failure - Mission specific Plot Twist, 204

Watts, Darren - Who I want to be if I grow up, 224

Weapons Officer - Special Ability, 71

Whaloid - Alien Species (Advanced), 27

Wheels - Bot upgrade: +2 Move, 25

Whistler - Alien Species, 22

Whitacre, Bryce - Scored 40+ pts in Lifeboat, 214

Whole E-Grail - Treasure, 171

Wierdling - Pacifist colony, 213

Wild Dog - Human frigate ship, 240

Wild Flyer - Special Ability, 71

Wildcard - Treasure, 165

Williams, Chris - Man I’d gladly lead into a supernova, 234

Williams, Kenneth R - Fanatical friend, 235

Willpower - Human Alien Ability, 19

Wilson, Kevin - Awesome Game Designer, 220

Wingman - Special Ability, 71

Wings - Avianoid Alien Ability, 16

Wipeout Cannon - Treasure, 165

With Your Shield or On it - Mission, 204

Wormhole Nest - Mission, 205

Wrestler - Special Ability, 71

WristComp - Ask yes/no questions and reduces Science difficulties to Upgrade or Repair by 1, 95

Wrong Way - Mission, 213


Xeloxian - Alien Species, 22

Xenobiologist - Special Ability, 71

Xxx - Page reference to be changed later that escaped our scrutiny.


Young, Kirby - Great Guy, 229


Zoallan - Alien Species, 23

Zone Controller - Special Ability, 71

Zone Controllers - Enemy Morale Ability, 163

content/official/rules/glossdex.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/07 12:38 by lektu