Keep track of all parts of your Battlestations campaign
Campaign Tracker
Spaceship Tracker
Character Tracker
Keep track of all parts of your Battlestations campaign
Campaign Tracker
Spaceship Tracker
Character Tracker
1d6 - Roll a single die and count the pips on top.
251 - Newly discovered planet in Sector 9, 259
2d6 - Roll 2 dice and total up the pips on top.
2d6-1 - Roll 2 dice. Total the pips on top and subtract 1 from the total.
A Stitch in a Haystack - Mission, 218
Accelerate - Helm maneuver, 128
Accessport - Tentac Fighter Upgrade, 125
Acciodorr - Newly discovered planet in sector 7, 256
Accurate - Vomeg Fighter Upgrade, 125
Accurate Hyperdrive - Treasure, 165
Acrobatic - Special Ability, 54
Action - Thing you do during your turn in addition to movement, 28
Action List - Summary of things you can do, 300
Action, Automatic - Action that requires no skill check, 30
Action, Free - Action that doesn’t use up your action for the turn, 30
Action, Move - Moving your character on the squares of the modules, 31
Acuna, Mario - Gracious Host, 246
Adaptable - Special Ability, 54
Additional Modifiers - Increasing the difficulty of a task by 3 to increase its effect, 28
Adjacent Corner Exception - You have line of sight on everything adjacent to your square, 39
Adkison, Peter - Revolutionized Gaming while remaining delightful, 213
Advanced Combat Expert - Special Ability, 54
Advancement - Spend Experience to increase skills and Prestige to Rank up, 10, 149
Aerodynamic - Human Fighter Upgrade, 125
Aggressive - Xeloxian Alien Ability, 22
Aggro - Combat Drug, 96
Agile - Enemy Morale Ability, 162
Alien Ability - Innate ability based on your creature type, 13
Alien Pill - Treasure, 170
AllEngineer - Enemy Morale Ability, 162
AlllMarine - Enemy Morale Ability, 162
AllPilot - Enemy Morale Ability, 162
Allpro - Enemy Morale Ability, 162
AllScience - Enemy Morale Ability, 162
Anchor Mine - Decelerates ship by 2 and causes 2 OOC, 135
Ancillary skills - Diplomacy, Psionics, Sanity, 36
Anti-Quark - Misssion specific phenomena, 195
Arc Laser - Ranged Area Effect Weapon, 82
Area Effect - Weapon damages all in an area rather than targeting an individual, 39, 74
Arming - Setting explosives to detonate, 90
Armor - Equipment that reduces incoming damage by 1 point, 92
Armored - Zoallan Fighter Upgrade, 125
Armored Module - Treasure, 166
Armory - Cargo Item, 112
Artifact - Mission, 226
Arya - Human senator’s daughter, 229
Assault Lab - Mission, 179
Assault Mine - Mission, 180
Assault Outpost - Mission, 180
Assault Planet - Mission, 181
Assembly Line Worker - Special Ability, 54
Assist - Spending your action to reduce another’s difficulty, 29
Assistant - Special Ability, 54
Asteroid - Rock that blocks line of sight, 254
Asteroid Armageddon - Mission, 234
Asteroid Field - Navigation Hazard, 155
Asteroid Investigation - Mission, 182
Astral Bodies - Stuff in space that can affect flying and shooting, 254
Athletics - Health, strength, quickness, 37
Athletics Skill Chip - Cyberware: Reduce Athletics skill check difficulties by 1, 98
Atmospherics - Cargo Item, 112
Attack with 2 weapons - Combat check with +6 difficulty, 41
Auto Lock - Fighter Upgrade, 125
Automated Weapons Testing Depot - Mission, 230
Automatic Action - Action that doesn’t require a skill check, 30
AutoNurse - Cyberware: Increase healing you do by +1 point/die, 99
Avianoid - Alien Species (Beastmen), 16
Aydyu - Kerbite moon, 228
Backlashing - Treasure Effect, 167
Bad Apple Shakedown Cruise - Mission, 184
Barrel - Used to carry materials in various missions and campaigns, 92
Base - Helmless ships, 282
Base Hit Points - Hit Points you get because of your Species, 13
Basic Cargo Bay Items - Items issued free by UREF, 81
Battery - Cargo Item, 112
Battery - Bot upgrade: Bot has built-in EVA, 25
Batting Grenades - Deflecting an explosive in your square, 90
Battle Frenzied - Special Ability, 54
Battlestation - Starred square you use to operate a ship’s module, 147
Bayonet clip - Attaches melee weapon to ranged weapon, 92
Behavior Overrides - Conditions affecting unmoderated Enemy actions, 249
Ben Wilkins -Castaway botanist founder of Benwilkia, 256
Benwilkia -Newly discovered planet in Sector 7, 256
Between a Rock and a Hard Place - Mission, 243
Bifurcation - Diploid Alien Ability, 18
Big Little Trouble - Mission, 210
Bio Barrels - Planetary opportunity at Benwilkia, 262
Biolab Science Bay - Treasure, 166
Bipod - Increases accuracy and range band when setup, 92
Bite - Beastman Alien Ability, 16
Bizzarreobject - Treasure, 171
Black Hole - Great sucking mass that destroys stuff, 254
Black Hole - Navigation Hazard, 155
Blanchett, Dan - Miracle Worker, 232
Blank Cargo Bay Items - Write in Cargo Items on these, 117
Blast Off - Helm maneuver to leave planet surface, 131
Blaze of Glory - Special Ability, 54
Bloodlusted - Treasure Effect, 167
Bloodlusted - Enemy Morale Ability, 162
Bloodlusted - Special Ability, 54
Blootian - Alien Species AKA Bubbloid, 17
Blue Pill - Treasure, 170
Board Fighter -Get into a Fighter as an automatic action, 122
Boarding Missile - Carries passengers, 139
Boarding Plank - Cargo Item, 112
Boarding Torpedo - Aka boarding missile, 136
Bob - Newly discovered planet in sector 8, 257
Bonus Escort - Mission specific Plot Twist, 201
Bonus Luck - Overwhelming Success Reward, 149
Bosun - Special Ability, 54
Bot - Alien Species, also, non- sentient crew, 24
Bot Genius - Special Ability, 55
Bot, Sentient - Hero or enemy character that uses standard damage and may have skills, 24
Botrel, Norson - Brazilian Wiz, 207
Brace - Action to reduce incoming damage, 29
Braced - Enemy Morale Ability, 162
Braced - Special Ability, 55
Break Module - Engineering check 11 to add broken marker (no hull damage), 42
Breaking Out - Stowaways climbing out of their hiding place., 43
Briefing - Mission synopsis, 178
Brig - Cargo Item, 112
Broken Marker - Indicates a module will not function. 2 broken markers slags it, 108
Brutal - Special Ability, 55
Brutal Foes - Enemy Morale Ability, 162
Bubbloid - Alien Species (Blootian), 17
Bubbly - Blootian Alien Ability, 17
Bugs, Asteroid - Mission specific enemies, 182
Bugs, Infestation - Mission specific enemies, 191
Built-in - Equipment bots have that don’t require a hand or carry capacity, 24
Burst - Mine or Missile causes survival check in hex, 135, 138
Bussard Ramjet Engine - Treasure, 165
Butt - Melee Weapon, 88
Calm - Special Ability, 55
Campaign Indicator - Measure of strategic objective progress, 176
Campaign Log - Track Campaign missions and progress, 177
Campaign Rules - Ongoing interlinked Battlestations missions, 176
Caninoids - Alien Species (Beastmen), 16
Cannon - Module for shooting at enemy targets in space, 103
Cannon Enhancement - Cargo Item, 112
Cannon Expert - Special Ability, 55
Cannon Hits - Damage dealt to a ship along a row or column, 106
Cannon Long - Combat vs ¬O distance +2x Speed to deliver ¬O Guns hit, 103
Cannon Multi - Cannon mode 1 Guns power but don’t add Used markers, 103
Cannon Specialist - Special Ability, 55
Canosian - Alien Species, 17
Cantina - Privately owned recreational base, 220
Captain Tom Overlord - Human explorer, 208
Captain, I Shrank the Enemy! - Mission, 207
Capture - Alive but in Enemy hands at end of mission, 148
Carapace - Zoallan Alien Ability, 23
Cargo Bay - Module allowing 4 slots for Cargo Bay Items, 109
Cargo Bay Items - Special functioning equipment installed in Cargo Bay, 100, 109
Cargo Bay Items, Basic - Items issued free by UREF, 81
Cargo Netting - Cargo Item, 113
Cargo Pod - Module-sized object, carries non-functioning material externally, 100
Carry Capacity - Athletics x10 is total mass of equipment you can have on you, 37
Cash Reward - Overwhelming Success Reward, 149
Casting Pods - Mission, 208
Caught the Admiral’s Eye - Overwhelming Success Reward, 149
CE - Cannon Enhancement, 110
Chaff Mine - Makes targeting more difficult, 135
Chaotic Behavior - Actions for unmoderated Enemy characters, 249
Character - Any being in the game, 5
Character Actions - What your character can do in the game, 28
Character Sheet - Track your characters status, 286, 287
Charger - Special Ability, 55
Charme - Diplomacy Drug, 96
Chasing Missile - Missile missing target or hit allocation continues to attack from aft, 137
Cheetahoid - Alien Species (Beastmen), 16
Chill - Mission specific effect, 188
Chip - Cyberware, 98
Choronzon - Newly discovered planet in sector 9, 258
Chronosian - Alien Species (Advanced), 26
Clamp Fighter -Tie down docked Fighter so ship maneuver doesn’t shake it loose, 123
Claw - Beastman ship, 188
Claws - Beastman Alien Ability, 16
Clickster - Canosian ship, 230
Cloak - Module for making ship stealthy, 126
Clone-Micro-Updater - Treasure, 170
Clonesicles - Treasure, 170
Cloud - Mission specific effect, 188
Coach - Special Ability, 55
Cold Vacuum - Mission, 224
Cole, Stephen V - Blustering Sweetheart, 223
Collect Data - Science Bay action used in some missions, 140
Collisions - Ships hitting one another or astral bodies, 147
Colony Ship - Mission specific ship, 213
Combat - Skill for attacking with ship’s weapons or personal weapons, 38
Combat Skill Chip - Cyberware: Reduce Combat skill check difficulties by 1, 98
Combat Test - Planetary opportunity at Foust IV, 262
Combat Training - Planetary opportunity at Shamir, 262
Combination Arming - Arming a grenade to detonate in 2 or more arming configurations, 90
Comet - Navigation Hazard, 155
Comfortable -Diploid Fighter Upgrade, 125
Commandrix - Zoallan ship, 193
Confuse Enemy - Use Diplomacy to reduce enemy effectiveness, 46
Connected - Special Ability, 55
Contortionist - Special Ability, 56
Conveyer Cargo - Treasure, 165
Cooperative - Kerbite Alien Ability, 19
Cornman - Newly discovered planet in Sector 9, 259
Corona - Stars flare out damaging nearby hexes, 255
Cortex Overloader - Special Ability, 56
Counterscan - Science Bay action vs ½ distance to remove enemy scan markers, 140
Coup de Grace - Spend a preparation Phase then deal 2x damage to a helpless target, 40
Courtier - Special Ability, 56
Cover - Intervening characters increase shot difficulty, have a chance to get hit, 38
CPR - Attempt to give a dying character a chance to avoid further damage, 34
cr - Credits indicate the cost to purchase an item, 74
Crafty - Special Ability, 56
Cramming - Hiding people or objects in a module, 43
Crash Land -Expend Fighter as boarding missile, 123
Credits - Points earned through missions spent to acquire equipment, 148
Cristifratti - Newly discovered planet in sector 9, 259
Crystal Planet - Mission, 185
Cubes - Planetary opportunity at Vixle, 262
Curse Your Sudden But Inevitable Bar Fight - Mission, 230
Cutthroat - Special Ability, 56
Cutting - Treasure Effect, 167
Cyberfoot - Cyberware: Add +1 to your Move, 99
Cyberhand - Cyberware: Add +1 to your Hands, 99
Cyberhook - Cyberware: Vibraknife or use as hand at +1 difficulty, 99
Cybernurse Sick Bay - Treasure, 166
Cyberpatch - Cyberware:Reduce remote penalties and hacking difficulty by 1, 99
Cyberware - Enhancements for non-bot characters, 98
d66 - Roll 2 dice with one as the “10’s” digit and the other as the “1’s” digit
d666 - Roll 3 dice. First is hundreds, second is tens, third die is ones
Damage Control - Cargo Item, 113
Damage Reduction - Armor, alien abilities, & special abilities that mitigate wounds, 34
Damage, Personal - Wounds suffered by characters, 34
Damage/Effect - What an item does, 74
Dangerous - Rolling doubles to use or quickdraw these weapons damages you., 39, 74
Daniels, Bryan - Genuine Friend, 215
De-EMP - Make all the EMPed equipment on a target functional, 45
De-ionize - Science or Engineering 11 to remove ionization markers, 42,45
Deadeye Cannon - Treasure, 165
Death - Brought to dying with no hope of recovery, 148
Death Marcher - Special Ability, 56
Death Marchers - Enemy Morale Ability, 162
Death Striker - Special Ability, 57
Death Toxin - Athletics 8 or die, 97
Decelerate - Helm maneuver, 128
Dedicated - Bot upgrade: -1 to specific Skill check difficulty but +1 difficulty for all other skill checks, 25
Defuse Missile or Mine - Science 11 to render it harmless otherwise kaboom!, 121
Demoralize - Use Diplomacy to reduce enemy morale, 46
Dervish - Special Ability, 57
Destroyed - Equipment that has been doubly broken cannot be repaired, 34
Destroyer - Special Ability, 57
Detach - Engineering 11 to disconnect an item from a Cargo Bay, 109
Detox - Science vs 11 with MedKit or 8 with Sick bay to remove drugs and toxins, 141
Detox - Drug Cancels all drugs and toxins in your system, 96
Dhelmn - Newly discovered planet in sector 8, 258
Dhelmnitych - Planet Dhelmn, 258
Diagnostics - Science vs 0 to ask yes/no questions about objects in Sick Bay, 141
Dictatorship - Muddian ship, 186
Difficulty Number - The number you need to roll equal to or higher than in a skill check, 10
Diploid - Alien Species, 18
Diplomacy - Ancillary skill used to confuse/demoralize enemy, 46
Diplomacy Skill Chip - Cyberware: Reduce Diplomacy skill check difficulties by 1, 98
Diplomacy Studio - Cargo Item, 113
Diplomacy Training - Planetary opportunity at Unity, 262
Diplomatic Approach - Bluff or bluster your way closer to begin some scenarios, 46
Diplomatic Immunity - Mission, 186
Directed Helm - Treasure, 165
Dirtside - Preview of the next Battlestations project, 252
Dirty - Treasure Effect, 167
Dirty Fighter - Special Ability, 57
Dirty Fighters - Enemy Morale Ability, 162
Dirty Weapons - Deal 1 less point of damage but lowest die can’t be healed, 39
Disarm - Attack equipment to cause target to Athletics check of 11 or drop it, 39
Discipline Collar - Cyberware: Bonus roll on active skill checks but damages you on failure, 99
Disembark Fighter -Exiting a Fighter is automatic action, 122
Disintegrate - Athletics 8 or be turned to dust, 82
Disintegration Grenade - Treasure, 171
Disintegrator - Ranged Weapon, 82
Displaced - Special Ability, 57
Ditditdit - Canosian ship, 185
Dock Ship - Helm maneuver, 129
Dock Fighter -Fighter maneuver, 123
Docked Combat - Shooting at a ship you are docked with, 120
Doctor - Special Ability, 57
Dodge - Helm maneuver, 130
Dogfighter - Special Ability, 57
Dominator - Human ship, 204
Donor MedKit - Treasure, 171
Doors - To enter, these must be hacked or broken if not authorized, 31
Double Barrelled - Treasure Effect, 167
Double Dirty - Mission specific Plot Twist, 203
Double Tap - Treasure Effect, 167
Double Vision - Mission specific Plot Twist, 204
Downgrade - Mission specific Plot Twist, 204
Downgrading a Module - Removing bits from a module to create an upgrade barrel., 43
Downsizer - Automated Human ship, 235
Dr. Derrick Winterer - Human scientist, 208
Dragonia - Diploid ship, 229
Dreams - Planetary opportunity at Choronzon, 262
Driven - Enemy Morale Ability, 162
Drone - Cargo Item, 113
Drone Pod - Holds 2 drones, 100
Droned Out - Mission, 235
Drop Mine - Mine doesn’t activate until hex empty, 135
Dropping Stuff - Placing things that are in your hand in yours or an adjacent square, 37
Drugs - Expendables that go into your system, 96
Dual Action Missile Bay - Treasure, 166
Dull - Reduce damage -1/die, 96
Dupuis, Ann, Paul - Godparents of storytelling, 234
Dust Cloud - Navigation Hazard, 155
DV8 from the Norm - Mission, 228
Dying - Wound total 6 or more greater than your hit points, 34
Dying and Life Support - Dying characters suffer unsupported life support damage, 134
e? - Whether an item is energized (subject to EMP), 74
ECM - Science Bay action to spoof missiles, 140
Economic - Campaign Indicator, 176
Efficient Enemies - Enemy Morale Ability, 162
Efficient Module - Treasure, 166
Eklund, Matthew - Super nice guy with bright ideas, 231
Eklund, Phil - Gentle Genius, 226
Electrocuffs - Slags and ties up 2 hands of target (likely overburdened and hands full), 92
Elephantoid - Alien Species (Beastmen), 16
Elusive - Lapinoid Alien Ability, 16
Emily’s World - Planet in the path of an asteroid, 234
EMP - Treasure Effect, 167
EMP - Effect that “breaks” energized equipment, 82
EMP Baton - Melee Weapon, 88
EMP CE - Cargo Item, 113
EMP Field - Nav Hazard, 155
EMP Generator - Cargo Item, 113
EMP Grenade - EMPS those in Line of Sight, 91
EMP Pistol - Ranged Weapon, 82
Empathic - Treasure Effect, 167
EMPlosion Grenade - Treasure, 170
Empowered - Special Ability, 57
Empowered module - Treasure, 166
EMT - Enemy Morale Ability, 163
EMT - Special Ability, 57
Enemy - Player controlling characters and forces outside the heroes’ control, 158
Enemy - Player who controls the game system and opposition forces, 24
Enemy Equipment Chart - Table for randomly determining enemy gear, 161
Enemy Kit - Enemy gear, 161
Enemy Luck - Rerolls enemy may use during the mission, 144
Enemy Skills and Equipment - Enemy character abilities and gear, 160
Enemy Skills Chart - Table for randomly determining enemy attributes, 160
Enemy Victory Mission - After Enemy gets a campaign indicator to a victory threshold, 177
Enemy’s Eyes Only - Hidden information for the Enemy player only to see, 178
Energized - e? whether equipment is subject to EMP, 74
Energized Hyperdrive - Treasure, 165
Energy Blade - Melee Weapon, 88
Energy Cutlass - Melee Weapon, 88
Energy Deflector - Special Ability, 57
Energy Grenade - Explosive Expendable, 91
Energy Vortex - Navigation Hazard, 155
Engine - Module for generating and transferring power, 127
Engine Overloader - Special Ability, 59
Engine Specialist - Special Ability, 59
Engineering - Skill for repairing anything bot-sized or larger and pumping Engines, 42
Engineering Skill Chip - Cyberware: Reduce Engineering skill check difficulties by 1, 98
Enhanced Module - Treasure, 166
Enraged - Special Ability, 59
Enso - Newly discovered planet in Sector 7, 257
Enter Atmosphere - Helm maneuver, 131
Epattcud - Treasure, 171
Equilout - Ignore OOC, 96
Equipment - Items you can use, 74
Ergonomic -Kerbite Fighter Upgrade, 125
Ernest, James - Multi-talented Gem of a Guy, 225
EVA - Removes Life Support requirements, 92
EVA Pill - Treasure, 171
Evasive Maneuvers - Helm maneuver, 130
Experience - Points earned in missions spent to improve skills, 148
Explosion Modulator - Cargo Item, 114
Explosives - Grenades, satchel charges, 90
External Facing - The module is not blocked from an outside edge, 102
Extinguish Fire - Engineering 8 to put out a fire (+3/additional), 150
Extra Hand - Bot upgrade: Bot gets an extra hand, 25
Extradimensional Handbag - Treasure, 170
Extreme Mass Ratio Inspiral - Mission, 237
Facing - Side of a ship (forward, aft, starboard, port), 106
Failed Mission - Heroes were unable to achieve mission objective, 148
Failsafe Missile Bay - Treasure, 166
Failure, Automatic - A dice roll of 1,1 in a skill check fails regardless of difficulty, 211
Falling on Grenades - Coup de Grace yourself with a grenade passing through your square instead of trying to bat it., 90
False Bottom Barrel - Used to conceal contraband, 92
False Cargo Item - Cargo Item, 114
Fanatics - Enemy Morale Ability, 163
Fast Enemies - Enemy Morale Ability, 163
Fast Healer - Special Ability, 59
Fast Healers - Enemy Morale Ability, 163
Fast Learner - Special Ability, 59
Fated - Special Ability, 59
Fearsome Predations of Everett Dingo - Mission, 240
Featherweight - Minutian Alien Ability, 26
Felinoids - Alien Species (Beastmen) (AKA Meeks), 16
Ferocious - Meeks Alien Ability, 16
FiberDerm - Cyberware: +1 Hit Point, reduce Athletics difficulties by 1, 99
Field Surgeon - Special Ability, 59
Fighter -Microship with movement and firepower capabilities, 122
Fighter -Cargo Item, 114
Fighter Actions -Things you can do in a Fighter, 123
Fighter Jock - Special Ability, 59
Fighter Mechanic - Special Ability, 59
Fighter Pod -Holds a Fighter, 100
Fighter Upgrades -Fighter improvements, 124, 125
Finegold - Ancient earth exploratory vessel, 225
Fire - Flaming dmg state that can continue, spread or go out, 150
Fire Starter - Special Ability, 59
Fireproofing - Planetary opportunity at Acciodorr, 262
First Contact - Mission, 187
First Mate - Special Ability, 59
Fist - Melee Weapon, 89
Fistwalk - Xeloxian and Gorilloid Alien Ability, 16, 22
Flanker - Lupinoid Alien Ability, 16
Flare - Marks target, reduces difficulty to target by 3, 91
Flobee Gabrisch - Human Ambassador, 192
Florentine Fighter - Special Ability, 59
Flyboy - Piloting Drug, 96
Flyntlock - Ranged Weapon, 82
Focus - Planetary opportunity at Sheffield Prime, 262
Foresighted - Special Ability, 59
Forethinker - Special Ability, 60
Fortunate - Special Ability, 60
Foust IV - Newly discovered planet in sector 9, 258
Free Action - Action that doesn’t require spending an action, 30
Free Attack - Take a free melee combat action when others enter your square, 31, 54
Freighter - Lumbering cargo vessels, 283
Fritzer Grenade - Damages modules more than personnel, 91
FrostBomb - Puts out fires, generates frost effect, 91
Froster - Ranged Area Effect Weapon, 83
Frozen Controls - Mission specific Plot Twist, 199
Ft. Wayne Planet - Planetary home of a prestigious youth academy, 229
Fume-Runner - Special Ability, 60
Fungaloid - Alien Species, 18
Fusion Cannon - Combat vs. 3x distance to put a Guns sized explosion in space, 103
Fusion Node CE - Cargo Item, 113
Gaidaszgrad -Newly discovered planet in sector 7, 256
Galactic Map - Revised picture of known galaxy, 260
Galley - Cargo Item, 114
Garfield, Richard - Nicest Genius Ever, 218
Gargantuan -Whaloid Fighter Upgrade, 125
Garrity, Sean - Confidante and collaborator, 210
Gas - Cloud in a module that may affect occupants, 151
Gas Generator - Cargo Item, 114
Gas Giant - Planet that destroys anything that lands on them, 254
Gas Grenade - Puts a gas cloud in module, 91
Gas Missile - Delivers gas cloud, 136
Generator Helm - Treasure, 165
GenexTank - Treasure, 169
Gerritson, Tim - Generous Soul, 229
Ghost 34-5 - Uncharted planet, 225
Ghost in the Machine - Special Ability, 60
Ghost Ship - Mission, 188
Ghosts - Mission specific enemies, 188
Gimballed Module - Treasure, 166
Glossdex - Index/Glossary you are looking at it, 288
Goatee - Signifier of evil, 192
God of Peace - Mission, 216
Goof - Reroll highest die in active skill checks, 97
Gorilloid - Alien Species (Beastmen), 16
Grand Entrance Teleporter - Treasure, 166
Grappling - Combat check to take, hinder, or throw, 40
Grav Sled, Sentient - Treasure, 171
GravSled - Lowers move but increases carry by 200, 92
Grease Monkey - Special Ability, 60
Great Dining - Planetary opportunity at 251, 262
Grenade-minton - Infinite batting back and forth of grenades (cleverly prevented herein), 90
Grenades - Expendables, 90
Grenadier - Special Ability, 60
Guest Star Missions - Missions inspired and/or designed by Jeff’s friends, 206
Gunner’s Mate - Special Ability, 60
Gurarg - Newly discovered planet in sector 7, 257
Gweeds - Inhabitants of planet 251, 259
Gymnasium - Cargo Item, 114
Gyros - Bot upgrade: Ignore 1 OOC, 25
Gyroscopic Stabilizer -Xeloxian Fighter Upgrade, 125
Gyrostabilized - Treasure Effect, 167
Hacker - Special Ability, 60
Hands - Number of limbs you can use to manipulate objects and battlestations, 13
Hands Full - =+3 penalty on actions that require a free hand, 13
Hangar Cargo Bay - Treasure, 165
Hardened - Special Ability, 60
Hatching - Bug generation in Infestation mission, 191
HazMat Suit - Bonus against hazardous effects -1 move, 93
Heal - Remove wounds, 94, 141
Healer - Special Ability, 60
Heavy Blaster, Disruptor, Ion Bore, Laser, Slug - Heavy Ranged Weapon, 86
Heavy Mine - Heavy Missile dmg. -3 difficulty to dodge, 135
Heavy Missile - Less accurate, greater payload, 138
Heavy Object - Melee Weapon, 89
Heavy Particle Gun - Heavy Ranged Weapon, 86
Heavy Ranged - Floor mounted weapon deals greater damage, requires Armory, 86
Heavy Shield - Increases your target number by 2, 95
Heavy Shielded - Treasure Effect, 167
Heavy Slug Gun - Heavy Ranged Weapon, 86
Heavy Slug Machine Gun - Heavy Ranged Area Effect Weapon, 86
Helm - Module for controlling ship speed and heading, 128
Hero - Each player’s character is a hero, 121
Hero’s Choice - Overwhelming Success Reward, 149
High Capacity Cargo Bay - Treasure, 165
High Performance Hyperdrive - Treasure, 165
High Quality Numb - Treasure, 170
Hinder - Grapple effect to increase difficulty of target’s next action, 40
Hit Allocation - Method used to determine where a Missile, Teleporter, or Cannon hits, 107
Hit Points - Amount of damage you can sustain before going unconscious, 122
Hollingsworth - Newly discovered planet in sector 8, 258
Homesick - Mission, 211
Homing Beacon - Mission specific Plot Twist, 201
Honeycutt, JR - Gaming Media Mogul, 211
Horn - Rhinoceroid Alien Ability, 16
Hostages - Mission, 229
Hot Dog - Special Ability, 60
Hot Pursuit - Mission, 190
HP - Hit Points, 122
Hull Check Chart - Shows number needed to roll to survive based on hull damage, 108, 300
Hull Damage - Aggregate damage ship has sustained may cause hull check, 108
Hull Stablizer - Cargo Item, 114
Hull Stress Empath - Special Ability, 61
Human - Alien Species, 19
Hunch Follower - Special Ability, 61
Hurl - Use a melee weapon for a ranged attack, 40
Hydraulics - Bot upgrade: Double Carry Capacity, 25
Hydroponics Module - Mission specific experimental module, 222
Hyper-Do Ultraviolet Belt - Special Ability, 61
Hyper-Physicist - Special Ability, 61
Hyperaggressive -Whistler Fighter Upgrade, 125
Hyperdrive - Module for warping in and warping out of system, 132
Hyperg Barrel - Treasure, 171
Imbalance of Terror - Mission, 229
Immediate Arming - Instant detonation of an explosive, 90
Immense - Whaloid Alien Ability, 27
In-Flight Repairs (Fighter) - Engineering 11 to Remove a damage marker, 123
Indicator - Campaign indicator, 176
Indirect - Damages an area rather than targeting an individual, 74
Inertial Dampener - Cargo Item, 114
Infestation - Mission, 190
Innerspace - Condition within a specific mission, 195
Installation - Engineering 11 to attach an item to a Cargo Bay, 109
Intercepting Grenades - Deflecting an explosive that is hurled into your square, 90
Interstellar Movement - Movement on the galactic map isn’t usually part of a game, 152
Into the Void - Mission, 246
Intuitive - Special Ability, 61
Ion Bore - Ranged Weapon, 83
Ion CE - Cargo Item, 112
Ion Grenade - Raises ionization level of those in L.O.S., 91
Ion Hammer - Melee Weapon, 89
Ion Storm - Navigation Hazard, 155
Ionizer - Cargo Item, 114
Ionizer Toxin - Raise target’s ionization by 2, 97
Irrational - Silicoid marine, 194
J* - Evil genius, 196
Jack of All Trades - Special Ability, 62
Jet Juice - Treasure, 171
Jet Move - Using a JetPack or alien ability to turn one square of your movement into a 10 square line of movement, 33
JetPack - Piloting 8 to Jet-Move, 93
JetPack Jockey - Special Ability, 62
Johnson, Jonah - Jonah, Just Jonah, 216
Jump Action - Action taken to speed up interstellar movement, 152
Jump Seat -Bot Fighter Upgrade, 125
Jury Rigger - Special Ability, 62
Jury Riggers - Enemy Morale Ability, 163
Kayo - Athletics check of 8 or knocked out now and at end of Round, 97
Kerbite - Alien Species, 19
Kevric - Diploid diplomat, 220
Kharrrggg - Troll planet, 227
Kidnap Dignitary - Mission, 192
Killer Instinct - Special Ability, 62
Kit - Enemy gear, 161
Klickit - Canosian ship, 201
Knife - Melee Weapon, 89
Land - Helm maneuver, 131
Lang, Eric - Cool Game Designer, 220
Lapinoid - Alien Species (Beastmen), 16
Laser - Ranged Weapon, 83
Laser Monocle - Ranged Weapon, 83
Launch Tube - Cargo Item, 114
Leave Atmosphere - Helm maneuver, 131
Lien, Dennis - Beacon of Joy, 228
Life Support - Module allowing crew to live aboard ship, 134
Light’s Out - Mission, 193
Lightning Rod - Melee Wpn, 89
Line of Sight (Ships) - Whether a ship can target another and where it will hit, 106
Line Of Sight, (Personal) - Tracing an unobstructed path for personal weapons fire, 38
Link up - Joining hands as spacewalkers, 33
Little, Jason - Battlestations fan before he was famous, 243
Local Life Support - Cargo Item, 114
Long Cannon - Combat vs ½ distance +2x Speed to deliver ½ Guns hit, 103
Long Range Sensors - Cargo Item, 114
Loomis, Rick - Industry Legend, 212
Lost - Navigation Hazard, 155
Lost Children - Mission, 225
Luck - Rerolls you can use on your skill checks, damage you take and more, 10, 13
Luck, Enemy - Rerolls enemy may use during the mission, 144
Lucky - Special Ability, 62
Lucky Devils - Enemy Morale Ability, 163
Lupee - New senator from Mud, 186
Lupinoids - Alien Species (Beastmen), 16
Macroplastic Putty - Treasure, 171
MagBoots - -1 move but may walk outside ship at no penalty, 94
Magnum - Treasure Effect, 167
Maiden Voyage - Fiction, 172
Majesty - Zoallan ship, 181
Maneuver - Helm action to fly the ship with Piloting skill, 128
Mass - Amount of your carry capacity an item takes up, 74
Master Engine - Treasure, 165
MD - Mission Difficulty, 144
Mechanical - Bot Alien Ability, 24
Mechanical Empath - Special Ability, 62
MedJack - Cyberware: Stores Drugs, makes it easier to heal you, 99
MedKit - Science to Heal, Detoxify, De-ionize, 94
Meeks - Alien Species (Beastmen) (Felinoids), 16
Megafin - Cargo Item, 114
Megateleportometer - Functionality got folded into long range sensors Cargo Item, 114
Megatorpedo - Cargo Item, 115
Megatronic Helmet - Treasure, 170
Melee - Personal combat with adjacent targets, 38
Mentally Shielded - Special Ability, 63
Mentor Chip - Cyberware: Earn 10% bonus Experience, 98
Mephisto Incident - Mission, 232
Micro Blaster - Ranged Weapon, 83
Microship -Fighter, drone, relay station, mine, missile, boarding torpedoes, 122
Military - Campaign Indicator, 176
Mind Control - Ability to select another’s action, 156
Mind Mender - Special Ability, 63
Mine Layer - Module for placing mines, 135
Minutian - Alien Species (Advanced), 26
Miracle Worker - Special Ability, 63
Mirror Universe - Mission, 192
Misses - Failed personal attacks might break modules, 38
Missile Bay - Module for launching missiles, probes and boarding torpedoes, 136
Missile Enhancement Device - Cargo Item, 115
Missile Pod - Launches 2 missiles, 100
Missile Upgrades - Planetary opportunity at Gaidaszgrad, 262
Missiles - Deliver troops or munitions, 136
Mission Difficulty - (AKA MD) Challenge difficulty based on the average hero Rank, 144
Mission Objective - Heroes goal for a mission, 178
Mission Selection - Choosing a mission in a campaign, 176
Mission to the Heart of the Ambassador - Mission, 215
Missions - Scenarios, 178
Mobile - Enemy Morale Ability, 163
Mobile - Special Ability, 63
Moble Battlestation - Treasure, 171
Modifier Table - Skill Check, 299
Module - Square tiles that make up ships, 102
Module Upgrade Barrel - Needed in some campaigns where upgrades aren’t free, 94
Modules - 5” Square tiles with specific functionality that collectively form a ship, 102
Monomolecular Blade - Melee Weapon, 89
Moon - Planet without atmosphere, 254
Morale - Measure of an enemy’s willingness to fight (optional), 46
Morale Ability - Enemy ability they can purchase with Plot Twist cards, 162
Motivated - Enemy Morale Ability, 163
Motivated - Bot upgrade: Upgrading hero may spend their luck to give this bot rerolls, 25
Move Cargo Item - Tractor as automatic or Athletics 14 to move a Cargo Bay item, 109
Move, Personal - Changing a figure’s location on modules, 31
Move, Ship - Ships move on starmap each Phase based on Speed., 146
Movement Order - Order in which ships move, 147
Mr. Fixit - Special Ability, 63
Muddian - New civilization, 186
Multi - Treasure Effect, 167
Multi Cannon - Cannon mode 1 Guns power but don’t add Used markers, 103
Multi-Capacitor - Cargo Item, 115
Multi-Missile Bay - Treasure, 166
Multi-Shot Expert - Special Ability, 63
Multitasker - Bot upgrade: Take an extra action during move., 25
Naming Conventions - Cultural explanations for selecting monikers, 285
Nannite Grenade - Treasure, 170
Navigation Hazard - Potential troubles with interstellar movement, 154
Nebula - Phenomena that blocks warping and line of sight, 254
Needler - Ranged Weapon, 83
Nerve Disruptor - Ranged Weapon, 83
Nervo - Athletics check of 11 or drop everything in hand, 97
Neutralize Drugs and Toxins - Science 11 (and MedKit) to remove all drugs and toxins from target, 45
Neutron Grenade - Ouchos those in L.O.S., 91
Neworked Module - Treasure, 166
Nimble - Special Ability, 63
Nimble Engine - Treasure, 165
Nire -High queen of Reisom, 256
Noble - Special Ability, 63
NPC Bots - Bots that are not sentient, 25
Numb - Reroll highest die of damage and skill checks, 96
Numb Runner - Special Ability, 63
Obsessive - Special Ability, 63
Omniscient - Special Ability, 64
On/Off - Indicates whether a Cargo Item is activated, 109
OOC - Out Of Control, 7
OOC and movement - Penalty to move for ship being out of control applies only 1/Phase, 31
Open Module - Broken modules allow you to stow people or contraband, 43
Opportunity - Cruise liner, 202
Order of Play - Step by step process of preparing and playing, 146
Ouchifier - Cargo Item, 115
Oucho - Suffer 1d6-1 at end of each Phase, 97
Out Of Control - (AKA OOC) Penalty to movement and actions based on ship buffeting, 7
Overburdened - Exceeding carry capacity penalizes your Move by 1 and actions by +3, 37
Overloader - Special Ability, 64
Overloaders - Enemy Morale Ability, 163
Overstressed Life Support - Having too many people aboard long term, 134
Overwatch - Hold a specific action, 29
Overwhelming Success - Heroes were able to achieve secondary objective, 148, 178
Ovoid - Secret key to unmentionable power, 244
Pack - Objects inside have half mass but inaccessible, 94
Pack Mule - Special Ability, 64
Padded -Minutian Fighter Upgrade, 125
Paino - Suffer +2 points per die of damage, 97
Partial E-Grail - Treasure, 171
Particle Gun - Ranged Weapon, 84
Passive Skill Check - Out of turn skill check to resist Stun, etc. ignores most penalties., 30
Patches - Drug is in hand for you without spending hand, 96
Patient - Enemy Morale Ability, 163
Patient - Special Ability, 64
Patient - Crocodillian Alien Ability, 16
Peek - Ending your move between 2 squares to get partial cover, 31
Peeking - Ending your move between 2 squares gives you partial cover., 31
Pegaasus - Planet in sect 5, 238
Penrose Process - Gathering accretion disk material, 237
Pentaquarks - Mission, 194
Perpetual Bots - Mission, 196
Perpetual Mine Layer - Treasure, 166
Perpetual Motion Helm - Treasure, 165
Persevering - Special Ability, 64
Personal Attacks - Combat unarmed or with personal weapons, 39
Personal Combat - Using Melee or Ranged attacks, 38
Personal Damage - Wounds taken onto a character, 34
Personal Equipment Upgrades - Overwhelming Success Reward, 149
Personal Upgrade Kit - Needed in some campaigns where upgrades aren’t free, 94
Personal Wormhole Generator - Treasure, 171
Peterson, Paul - Approachable Legend, 242
Phase - Unit of time in which Ships move and characters act (6 per Round), 146
Phase Delay - Arming a grenade to detonate at the end of 0-6 Phases, 90
Phase Die - Tracks the Phase you are on., 146
Phase Pick - Melee Weapon, 89
Phasing -Pyreltian Fighter Upgrade, 125
Phasing - Pyreltian Alien Ability, 27
Pick’em - Treasure, 165
Pickup Spacewalker (Fighter) -Piloting vs. smallest Target number +3/additional group, 123
Pickup Spacewalker (ship) - Helm maneuver, 130
Piercing Missile Enhancement Device - Treasure, 168
Piloting - Skill used to operate JetPacks, Fighters, or Helm, 44
Ping - Hyperdrive module action to look for cloaked objects, 133
Pinkerton - Independent security contractors, 226
Place Mine - Mine Layer action Engineering vs 2x distance, 135
Planet - Hunks of rock with atmosphere, 254
Planet Eater - Mission, 238
Planet of the Trolls - Mission, 227
Planet Parkes - Newly discovered planet in sector 9, 259
Planetary Defenses - Mission specific Plot Twist, 199
Planetary Shield - Mission specific special rule, 181
Planetfall - Helm maneuver, 131
Plasma Bolt - Ranged Area Effect Weapon, 84
Plasma CE - Cargo Item, 113
Plasma Dagger - Melee Weapon, 89
Plasma Fire Disaster - Mission, 197
Plasma Grenade - Fire damage to those in L.O.S., 91
Plasma Mine - Starts fire, 135
Plasma Missile - Sets Fire, 138
Plasma Pistol - Ranged Weapon, 84
Plasma Projector - Ranged Area Effect Weapon, 84
Plasma Wizard - Special Ability, 64
Playtester - People who try to make my game better, 2
Ploetz, Markus - German Genius, 238
Plot Twist - Enemy cards or mission specific benefits Enemy can buy with cards, 162, 178
Plot Twist Cards - Enemy cards they play or surrender for abilities or Luck, 144
Pods - Jettisonable external module sized objects, 100
Poisonous - Treasure Effect, 167
Poisonous bite - Reptilianoid Alien Ability, 16
Polarizer - Special Ability, 64
Political - Campaign Indicator, 176
Pop - Move 1 square as part of an action, 30
Porta-Ram - Beastmen Fighter Upgrade, 125
PortaRam - Melee Weapon, 89
Power Generation - Ships go to minimum of 1 Power in each system on Phase 1, 146
Power Grubber - Mission specific monster, 224
Power Slider - Special Ability, 64
Powered Armor - Cargo Item mechanized fighting suit, 118
Powered Armor - Cargo Item, 115
Powered Armor Expert - Special Ability, 64
Preconceived - Special Ability, 65
Prehensile - Treasure Effect, 167
Prepare - Spending this Phase’s action to reduce difficulty of action next Phase, 30
Prepared - Enemy Morale Ability, 163
Prestidigitator - Special Ability, 65
Prestige - Points earned through missions spent to increase Rank, 148
Private Tutelage - Overwhelming Success Reward, 149
Privateer - Mission specific Plot Twist, 199
Probe -Fungaloid Fighter Upgrade, 125
Probe Mine - Acts as Science Probe, 135
Profession - Skill checks you get a free reroll in, 10, 36
Proton Ray - Mission specific phenomena, 239
Proximity - Arming a grenade to detonate when approached, 90
Psi Drugs - Planetary opportunity at Bob, 262
Psionic - Treasure Effect, 167
Psionic Ability - An ability that stretches beyond realism, 49
Psionics - Skill used to manipulate the universe with your mind (optional), 48
Psionics Skill Chip - Cyberware: Reduce Psionics skill check difficulties by 1, 98
Psionics Training - Planetary opportunity at Dhelmn, 262
Psionics Training - Planetary opportunity at Reisom, 262
Psychic Blaster - Special Ability, 65
Psychic Shifter - Special Ability, 65
Psychic Stunner - Special Ability, 65
Puff - Whistler Alien Ability, 22
Pulsar - Dangerous phenomena, 254
Pulsar - Mission specific phenomena, 195
Pump Engine - Engineering 8 to get 1 Power, 11 for 2 etc., 127
Punisher Cannon - Treasure, 165
Puppeteer - Special Ability, 65
PvP - Playing heroes against heroes, 248
Pyreltian - Alien Species (Advanced), 27
Quadrinary - Silicoid Cruiser, 197
Quartermaster - Special Ability, 65
Quasar - Black Hole combined with Pulsar, 255
Queen, Infestation - Mission specific enemy, 191
Quick on the Stick - Special Ability, 65
Quick-Minded - Special Ability, 65
Quickdraw, give, holster - Attempting to ready or stow an object without expending your action, 37
Quiet! - Tentac ship, 185
Radiation Storm - Navigation Hazard, 155
Radium CE - Cargo Item, 113
Rally - Use Diplomacy to increase your crew’s morale, 47
Ram - Helm maneuver, 129
Random Mission Table - List of scenarios, 299
Random Module Chart - List of modules, 166
Random Species Chart - Use to generate foe/vessel registries, 284
Range Band - Distance at which range penalty is imposed, 38
Range Penalty - Increased difficulty to hit a target based on distance, 38
Ranged Combat - Personal combat, 38
Reach - Vomeg Alien Ability, 21
Reckless - Special Ability, 65
Reckless Foes - Mission specific Plot Twist, 203
Reconfigure Cannon - Engineering 8 to put cannon into Standard, Long Range, Multi, or Fusion mode, 103
Recycling Life Support - Treasure, 165
Redundant -Blootian Fighter Upgrade, 125
Redundant Module - Treasure, 166
Reflection - Mission, 210
Reflexive - Enemy Morale Ability, 163
Reflexive - Special Ability, 66
Regenerate - Fungaloid Alien Ability, 18
Reinforced -Silicoid Fighter Upgrade, 125
Reisom -Newly discovered planet in sector 7, 256
Relay Station - Cargo Item, 115
Relevant skill - Skill used in a task, 28
Remote - Arming a grenade to be detonated with a WristComp or Science Bay, 90
Remote Penalty - Operating a battlestation in a different module from yours, 9
Repair Equipment - Science skill vs 11 to fix broken objects, 34
Repair Fighter -Engineering 11 to Remove a damage marker, 123
Repair Module - Engineering 11 to remove a broken marker from a module, 42
Reptilianoid - Alien Species (Beastmen), 16
Requisitions - Rank check to get free gear at end of mission, 149
Rescue - Planetary opportunity at Gurarg, 262
Rescue Pod - Navigation Hazard, 155
Rescue Pod - Pickup spacewalker, 139
Rescue the Envoy - Mission, 235
Research - Science Bay action vs distance to ask a yes or no question, 140
Research Specialist - Special Ability, 66
Resilient - Tentac Alien Ability, 20
Resonant Matrix -Trundlian Fighter Upgrade, 125
Resourceful - Special Ability, 66
Rest - Planetary opportunity at Hollingsworth, 262
Retarget Missile - Combat vs distance action to select new target for missile, 137
Retraining - Spend a mission without a special ability or profession to change them, 49
Reversi-Juice - Treasure, 170
Revive the Dying - Sick Bay action to bring the dying to -5 hit points, 141
Rhinoceroid - Alien Species (Beastmen), 16
Ring - Surrounds some planets interferes with movement and visibility, 255
Risk Levels - Decision making tool for unmoderated Enemies, 250
Rock’em Cannon - Treasure, 165
Rocket Booster - Cargo Item, 115
Rocket Launcher - Powered Armor weapon, 119
Rocket Pistol - Ranged Weapon, 84
Rocket Refuel - Cargo Item, 115
Rocky - Silicoid Alien Ability, 20
Roid - Athletics Drug, 96
Roll Twice - Enemy Morale Ability, 163
Rolls With It - Special Ability, 66
Round - (6 Phases) Unit of time, 146
Rowe, Tony - Gaming Scholar, 236
rq# - (AKA Requisition Number) Difficulty to requisition an item, 74
Ruby Slippers - Treasure, 171
Run - Athletics check of 11 to move an extra square, 33
Run Mission - Follow the Sequence of Play until success or failure, 146
Running Silent - Ship invisible if Cloak level exceeds power levels and OOC, 126
Saboteur - Special Ability, 66
Safe - Treasure Effect, 167
Safe - Weapon does not harm modules, 74
Safety Chamber - Cargo Item, 115
Sample Character Sheet - Example of Theo Retica’s special ability list, 49
Sanity - Skill used to keep your head together in horror games (optional), 48
Sanity Skill Chip - Cyberware: Reduce Sanity skill check difficulties by 1, 98
Satchel Charge - Heavy Explosive damages module, occupants, 91
Saw Gun - Treasure, 170
Scan - Science Bay action vs ½ distance to get information about a target, 140
Science - Skill used to operate green modules, and use MedKits, 45
Science Bay - Module allows Shields, Research, Scans, ECM, 140
Science Probe - Count distance to probe for research, 138
Science Skill Chip - Cyberware: Reduce Science skill check difficulties by 1, 98
Scientific - Campaign Indicator, 176
Scope - Count range to target as half, 94
Second Helping - Overwhelming Success Reward, 149
Secret Goals - Mission specific modifier, 208
Secret of the Ovoid - Mission, 244
Seeker Missile - More accurate, less payload, 138
Seer - Special Ability, 66
Self Destruct - Cargo Item, 115
Semi-moderated - Playing with Enemy player on your crew, 248
Sentient Engine - Treasure, 165
Sentient Module - Treasure, 166
Sequence of Play - Full list of order of operations, 300
Setup - Prep before play, 144
Shamir - Newly discovered planet in sector 8, 257
Sharp-shooters - Enemy Morale Ability, 163
Sharpshooter - Special Ability, 66
Sheffield Prime - Newly discovered planet in sector 9, 259
Shell - Testudinoid Alien Ability, 16
Shield - Increases your target number by 1, 94
Shield Capacitor - Cargo Item, 116
Shield Harmonizer - Special Ability, 66
Shield, Heavy - Increases your target number by 2, 95
Shieldcutter - Cargo Item, 116
Shielded - Treasure Effect, 167
Shielded Engine - Treasure, 165
Shielded Module - Treasure, 166
Shields - Power level that retards incoming cannon shot damage, 140
Shifty Cloak - Treasure, 170
Ship - Starship, 6, 265
Ship Control Sheet - Used to track ship data, 264
Ship Explosion - Ships failing hull checks send out a blast based on size, 108
Ship to Ship Combat - The art of delivering damage to targets in space, 104
Ship Upgrades - Overwhelming Success Reward, 149
Shknorkleblorp - Rosetta stone word for new life form, 187
Shock Trooper - Special Ability, 66
Shock Troopers - Mission specific Plot Twist, 203
Shock Troopers - Enemy Morale Ability, 163
Shooting Spacewalkers - Combat check vs. distance to deal 3 dice personal damage, 103
Shore Leave - Planetary opportunity at Cristifratti, 262
Short Fuse - Arming a grenade to detonate at the end of your turn, 90
Showdown - Mission, 198
Sick Bay - Module used to heal, diagnose and revive the dying, 141
Sideslip - Helm maneuver, 128
Silence - Planetary opportunity at Cornman, 262
Silicoid - Alien Species, 20
Silverback - Canosian desroyer ship, 224
Skeletal Enhancement - Cyberware: Increase carry by 10, 99
Skill - Athletics, Combat, Engineering, Piloting, Science, Sanity, Diplomacy, 10
Skill Check - Roll 2 dice. If equal to or higher than difficulty, succeed., 10
Skill Chip - Cyberware: Reduce difficulty of skill checks within a specific skill, 98
Skill, basic - Athletics, Combat, Engineering, Piloting, Science, 36
Sklortch - Vomeg crime lord, 210
Slagged - Modules with 2 broken markers. Actions and movement impaired, 108
Slagged Movement - Costs 2 squares of movement to enter a slagged square., 31
Slater - Newly discovered planet in sector 7, 257
Sleeper Cannon - Treasure, 165
Slipster - Special Ability, 66
Slowgo - Move attribute reduced to 1, 97
Slug Machine Gun - Ranged Area Effect Weapon, 84
Slug Pistol - Ranged Weapon, 84
Smart Cannon - Treasure, 165
Smoke Grenade - Blocks vision and Life Support in Module, 91
Smooth - Special Ability, 66
Smuggle - Mission, 199
Smuggler - Special Ability, 67
Smuggler Cargo Bay - Treasure, 165
Smuggler’s hatch - Cargo Item, 116
Snakoid - Alien Species (Beastmen), 16
Sneaker Cloaking Device - Treasure, 165
Sneaky Mine Layer - Treasure, 166
Sniper - Special Ability, 67
Sofge, Neal - Joyful Curmudgeon, 237
Solar Sails - Cargo Item, 116
Solo Play - Playing without an Enemy player, 248
Sonic Beam - Ranged Area Effect Weapon, 84
Space Maps - Hexagonal gridded boards for starships to move on, 146
Space Slug - Mission specific monster, 211
Spacelegs - Special Ability, 67
Spacer - Special Ability, 67
Spacewalker - Outide the ship you have no Life Support, 134
Special Abilities - You can have 1 amazing trick per Rank, 49
Sp. Ability Chart - Special Ability Index, 50
Special Delivery - Mission, 212
Special Rules - Features that may be unique to this mission, 178
Specialized Tutor - Overwhelming Success Reward, 149
Species - Your type of creature affects your abilities, 13
Speed Demon - Special Ability, 67
Spiteful Devils - Enemy Morale Ability, 163
Spoils - Heroes may claim one personal item of captured gear, 149
Sprint - Cheetahoid Alien Ability, 16
St Andre, Ken - Delightful Icon, 227
Stackpole, Mike - Author, Dancer, Raconteur, 230
Stall - Helm maneuver, 128
Standard Cannon - Combat vs distance +2x Speed to deliver Guns hit, 103
Standoff - Convert a Coup de Grace opportunity to overwatch, 41
Star - Suns dangerous coronas lash out into nearby hexes, 255
Star Fortress - Mission, 236
Star Generator - Treasure, 170
Star-Crossed - Enemy Morale Ability, 163
Starship - Modular object you fly around the galaxy, 62
Starship Registry - Benefit for ships produced by a certain shipyard, 263
Staseostasis - Planetary opportunity at Enso, 262
Stasis Grenade - Treasure, 171
Stasis Rifle - Treasure, 171
Stasisville - Mission, 200
Stationary Battlestations Station - Mission, 214
Steady - Helm maneuver, 129
Steady Handed - Special Ability, 67
Steady Helm - Treasure, 165
Stealth Tech -Otyssian Fighter Upgrade, 125
Stim - Movement Drug (even for dying), 96
Stoccy’s Outpost - Newly discovered planet in sector 9, 259
Stoccy’s Trail - Planetary opportunity at Stoccy’s Outpost, 262
Stowing Away - Hiding inside a module, 43
Strafing CE - Cargo Item, 113
Strong - Silicoid Alien Ability, 20
Stun - Athletics 11 or incapacitated, 85
Stun CE - Cargo Item, 113
Stun Generator - Cargo Item, 116
Stun Grenade - Creates Stun effect in L.O.S., 91
Stun Stick - Melee Weapon, 89
Stun toxin - Athletics 11 or stunned, 97
StunGone - Stun resistance Drug, 96
Stunner - Special Ability, 68
Sturdy - Enemy Morale Ability, 163
Sturdy - Bot upgrade -1 on Athletics Skill check difficulty, 25
Success, Overwhelming - Heroes were able to achieve overwhelming objective, 148
Successful Mission - Heroes achieve mission objective, 148
Super - Treasure Effect, 167
Super EMP - Mission specific phenomena, 239
Superheavy Shielded - Treasure Effect, 167
Superlucky - Enemy Morale Ability, 163
SuperMart -Planet Gaidaszgrad, 256
Supernova Jump - Mission, 234
Supply Ship - Overwhelming Success Reward, 149
Support - Planetary opportunity at Planet Parkes, 262
SupSci - Science Drug, 96
Sure Handed - Special Ability, 68
Suscepto - Reroll highest die in successful Athletics check, 97
Swashbuckler - Special Ability, 68
Switcher Cannon - Treasure, 165
Sword - Melee Weapon, 89
Symbiont - Mission specific monster, 224
Symbiote - Treasure, 170
Sympathetic - Special Ability, 68
Synchronized -Chronosian Fighter Upgrade, 125
Tables Turned - Mission, 242
Tactical Doctrine Flowchart - Unmoderated play system aid, 251
Tailgunner - Special Ability, 68
Take - Grapple effect to grab opponent’s equipment, 40
Tanker Freighter Convoy - Mission, 201
Target Number - Difficulty for others to hit you with personal attacks, 13
Targeting Computer - Cargo Item, 116
Targeting Modules - Attacking the ship from the inside, 34
Targeting Personal Equipment - Attacking objects, 34
Techlab Science Bay - Treasure, 166
TecKnow - Engineering Drug, 96
Teflon Cloaking Device - Treasure, 165
TeleChute - Cargo Item, 116
Telekinetic - Special Ability, 68
Teleoptic - Treasure Effect, 167
Teleporter - Module used to deliver people or bombs to other ships, 142
Teleporter Specialist - Special Ability, 68
Tempora - Star lab, 200
Tentac - Alien Species, 20
Tentac Corner Gun - Treasure, 170
Terrorist Cruise Liner - Mission, 202
Testudinoid - Alien Species (Beastmen), 16
Thick Hide - Beastman Alien Ability, 16
Throw - Grapple effect to move target, 40
Throwing Grenades - Combat difficulty 3+distance, 90
Throwing Satchel Charge - Combat difficulty 3+ 2x distance, 90
Tidball, Jeff - Arguably the better Jeff, 240
Timehop - Chronosian Alien Ability, 26
Tinkerer - Special Ability, 68
Tiny - Minutian Alien Ability, 26
TKTK - Canosian scientist, 194
ToolKit - Reduces Engineering difficulties to Upgrade, Repair or put out Fires by 1, 95
Tough - Special Ability, 68
Tough - Gorilloid Alien Ability, 16
Tough Cargo Bay - Treasure, 165
Tough Silicoid - Special Ability, 69
Toward Ice - Human scout ship, 208
Toxin - Poisons delivered by Needler, or gas grenade, 97
Tractor - Cargo Item for grabbing things, 120
Tractor Dock - Holding a docked ship fast with Tractor, 120
Tractored Fighters -Holding a Fighter penalizes its actions and move, 121
Trampler - Special Ability, 69
Tramplers - Enemy Morale Ability, 163
Transcendence - Mission, 231
Transfer Power - Engineering 8 to move 1 Power, 11 for 2 etc., 127
Trauma Center Sick Bay - Treasure, 166
Treasure - Special Items, 164
Treasure Maps - Planetary opportunity at Slater, 262
Triage Medic - Special Ability, 69
Trick Shot - Special Ability, 69
Tricky - Special Ability, 70
Trolls - Mission specific monsters, 227
Trundlian - Alien Species, 21
Tumble - Canosian Alien Ability, 17
Turn - Helm maneuver, 128
Turn Specialist - Special Ability, 70
Turtloid - Alien Species (Beastmen), 16
Tusks - Elephantoid Alien Ability, 16
Uber Cannon - Treasure, 165
Ulisses - Human Dreadnought, 238
Ultralight - Treasure Effect, 167, 169
Unbreakable - Treasure Effect, 167
Uncanny Intelligence - Enemy Morale Ability, 163
Unclamp Fighter -Allow Fighter to fly away from ship, 123
Unconscious - Wound total equal to or greater than your hit points by up to 6 you may not act, 34
Unconventional - Special Ability, 70
Unflappable - Special Ability, 70
Uniminded - Special Ability, 71
Unity - Newly discovered planet in sector 9, 258
Unlimited - Special Ability, 71
Unpredictable - Special Ability, 71
Unsinkable - Enemy Morale Ability, 163
Unsinkable - Special Ability, 71
Unsupported Life Suppport - Spacewalking or broken Life Support on Phase 6, 134
Upgrades - Improving personal gear with Science or modules with Engineering, 145
Upquark Missile - Mission specific phenomena, 195
Ursinoid - Alien Species (Beastmen), 16
Used Marker - Most modules increase difficulty to operate them by 3 for each of these, 127
Vampiric - Treasure Effect, 167
Vasel, Tom - Honest reviewer, 208
Vaughan, Peter - True Gamer, 210
Vectored -Canosian Fighter Upgrade, 125
Verdant Toadstool - Treasure, 171
Versatile - Trundlian Alien Ability, 21
Versatile Science Bay - Treasure, 166
Vibraknife - Melee Weapon, 89
Victory Mission - After bringing a campaign indicator to a victory threshold, 177
Vigour, Joey - Awesome Pal, 244
Vixle - Newly discovered planet in sector 8, 257
Void Brute - Canosian ship, 246
Voltrex - Ranged Weapon, 84
Vomeg - Alien Species, 21
Waggle - Helm maneuver, 128
Wake Rider - Special Ability, 71
Warhead Mine - Like a missile, 135
Warp Driven Mine Layer - Treasure, 166
Warp Inhibitor - Cargo Item, 116
Warp Optimizer - Cargo Item, 116
Warping In - Hyperdrive module action at start of mission, 132
Warping Out - Hyperdrive module action to leave system, 132
Waste Management Failure - Mission specific Plot Twist, 204
Watts, Darren - Who I want to be if I grow up, 224
Weapons Officer - Special Ability, 71
Whaloid - Alien Species (Advanced), 27
Wheels - Bot upgrade: +2 Move, 25
Whistler - Alien Species, 22
Whitacre, Bryce - Scored 40+ pts in Lifeboat, 214
Whole E-Grail - Treasure, 171
Wierdling - Pacifist colony, 213
Wild Dog - Human frigate ship, 240
Wild Flyer - Special Ability, 71
Wildcard - Treasure, 165
Williams, Chris - Man I’d gladly lead into a supernova, 234
Williams, Kenneth R - Fanatical friend, 235
Willpower - Human Alien Ability, 19
Wilson, Kevin - Awesome Game Designer, 220
Wingman - Special Ability, 71
Wings - Avianoid Alien Ability, 16
Wipeout Cannon - Treasure, 165
With Your Shield or On it - Mission, 204
Wormhole Nest - Mission, 205
Wrestler - Special Ability, 71
WristComp - Ask yes/no questions and reduces Science difficulties to Upgrade or Repair by 1, 95
Wrong Way - Mission, 213
Xeloxian - Alien Species, 22
Xenobiologist - Special Ability, 71
Xxx - Page reference to be changed later that escaped our scrutiny.
Young, Kirby - Great Guy, 229
Zoallan - Alien Species, 23
Zone Controller - Special Ability, 71
Zone Controllers - Enemy Morale Ability, 163