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List of Actions

Here is the compiled list of all actions written in the rulebook.

Access Armory Item - Cargo Bay Armory Automatic no
Arming Grenades - - - Free Action, Automatic Action no
Ask Yes/No Science Science Bay - Distance +3 per additional YES
Assist Varies - - 8 no
Assist Fighter Piloting - Fighter 8 no
Attack Equipment Combat - - 11 no
Attack Module Combat - - 3 no
Attacking with Two Weapons Combat - - +6 difficulty to both attacks no
Batting Grenade Combat - - 11 no
Blast Off! Piloting Helm Speed 0 3 x Size no
Board/Disembark Fighter - Cargo Bay Fighter Automatic no
Brace - - - Automatic no
Break Door Combat - - “6” on a damage die no
Break Module Engineering - - 11 no
Breaking Out - - - Automatic no
Charge Battery Engineering Cargo Bay Battery 11 no
Clamp (or Unclamp) Fighter - - Fighter Automatic no
Cloak Science Cloaking Device - Size +3 per additional YES
Cloak Penetration Science Cloaking Device - Distance to cloaked ship +3 per additional level of cloaking you wish to lower. YES
Cloak Penetration Science Science Bay - Distance to cloaked ship +3 per additional level of cloaking you wish to lower. YES
Collect Data Science Science Bay - Distance YES
Confuse Enemy Diplomacy - - Distance +3 per additional penalty no
Coup de Grace Combat - Unresisting target and prepared Target Number with modifiers no
CPR Science - - 11 no
Cramming - - - Automatic no
Crash Land Piloting - Fighter Target ship's Speed x 2 no
De-EMP Science - Toolkit, Medkit or Battlestation 11 +3 per additional target no
Defuse Missile or Mine Science Cargo Bay Tractor 11 no
De-Ionize Engineering - Toolkit, Medkit or Battlestation 11 no
De-Ionize Science - Toolkit, Medkit or Battlestation 11 no
Demoralize Enemies Diplomacy - - Half Distance no
Deploy Relay Station Engineering Cargo Bay Relay Station 11 no
Detach Cargo Bay Item Engineering Cargo Bay - 11 no
Detox Science Sick Bay - 8 +3 per additional no
Diagnostics Science Sick Bay - 0 +3 per additional question no
Diplomatic Approach Diplomacy - - MD no
Disarm Combat - - 11 no
Dock with a Starship Portal Piloting - Fighter Target ship's OOC + (2 x Speed) + 3 no
Dodge a Planet or Moon Piloting - Fighter 7 no
Dodge Astral Body Piloting Helm - 2 x Size + 2 x Speed, +3 per additional dodge to perform in a Phase no
Dodge Ram Piloting Helm - 2 x Size + 2 x Speed + Ram Succeses, +3 per additional dodge to perform in a Phase no
Downgrading a Module Engineering - Stowed away 11 no
Drop Explosives - - - Free Action no
Drop Mine Engineering Mine Layer - 0, +3 difficulty for each Used marker YES
ECM missile Science Science Bay - Distance +3 per additional no
Enter Atmosphere Piloting Helm Speed 0 3 x Size no
Evasive Maneuvers Piloting Helm - 2 x Size + 2 x Speed, +3 per level of maneuver to increase the OOC no
Expend Battery - Cargo Bay Battery Automatic no
Extinguish Fires Engineering - - 8 +3 per additional adjacent target no
Fall on Grenade - - - Free Action no
Fire Cannon Combat Cannon - Distance + 2x Speed YES
Fire Fighter Cannon Combat - Fighter Target Distance x 2 + Speed x 2 no
Fire Fusion Cannon Combat Cannon - 3 x Distance YES
Free attack - - Enemy does something in your square Free Action no
Get in Powered Armor - - Powered Armor Automatic no
Get out of Powered Armor - - Powered Armor Automatic no
Grapple Combat - - Target Numbers no
Hack Battlestation Science - - 11 no
Heal Science Sick Bay - 8 +3 per additional die no
Heal Science - Medkit 11 no
Hull Check - - - Damage Factorial - Size no
In-Flight Repairs Engineering - Fighter 11 + 3 per additional damage marker to be removed no
Install Cargo Bay Item Engineering Cargo Bay - 11 no
Installing/Uninstalling Cyberware Science - - 11 no
Jet Move - - JetPack or Avianoid or Whistler and a square of movement Automatic unless Jetpack no
JetPack Piloting - JetPack 8 +3 per additional no
Land Piloting Helm Speed 0 3 x Size no
Land Fighter Piloting - Fighter Target ship's OOC + 2 x Speed no
Launch Fighter Piloting Cargo Bay Fighter 11 no
Launch Missile Combat Missile Bay - 11 YES
Leave Atmosphere Piloting Helm Speed 0 3 x Size no
Maneuver Piloting Helm - 2x Size + 2x Speed no
Manual Cargo Item Movement Athletics Cargo Bay - 14 no
Move Cargo Bay Item - Cargo Bay - Automatic no
Moving Outside the Ship - - Free Hand or MagBoots Free Action no
Neutralize Toxins and Drugs Science - Medkit or Sickbay 11 no
Open External Door - - - Free Action no
Overwatch - - - Automatic no
Peeking - - Last square of movement Free Action no
Personal Attack Combat - - Target's Target Number no
Pickup a Spacewalker Piloting - Fighter Smallest personal target number + 3 per additional pickup no
Pickup Spacewalkers Piloting Helm Speed 0 8 +3 per additional spacewalkers in the same hex no
Ping Science Hyperdrive - 0, +3 for each additional question YES
Place Mine Engineering Mine Layer - 2 x Distance, +3 difficulty for each Used marker YES
Popping - - - Automatic no
Power Down Armor - - Powered Armor Automatic no
Power Down Enemy Armor Combat then Engineering - Powered Armor Target's Target # then 11 in Slagged square no
Power Up Armor Engineering - Powered Armor 11 no
Prepare - - - Automatic no
Program Hyperdrive Science Hyperdrive - 8+3 per additional YES
Pump Engine Engineering Engine - 8 +3 per additional YES
Quickdraw Athletics - - 8 no
Rallying your Crew Diplomacy - - 0 / +3 per +1 bonus to the morale check no
Ram Piloting Helm Overwatch 2 x Size + 2 x Speed no
Ramming Astral Bodies - - - Automatic no
Ramming Spacewalkers Piloting Helm - 8 +3 per additional spacewalkers in the same hex no
Reconfigure Cannon Engineering Cannon - 8 no
Refuel Rocket Booster Engineering Any Battlestation Rocket Refuel 8 no
Remote Detonation Science - WristComp or Science Bay Distance +3 per additional explosive no
Repair Equipment Science - - 11 no
Repair Fighter Engineering Cargo Bay Fighter 11 no
Repair Module Engineering - - 11 no
Repair Powered Armor Engineering - Powered Armor 11 no
Retarget Your Missile Combat Missile Bay - Distance to missile, +3 per additional missile to retarget YES
Revive the Dying Science Sick Bay - Negative Hit Points no
Run Athletics - Start of move 11, +3 difficulty per additional square no
Scan / Counterscan Science Science Bay - 1/2 Distance +3 per additional YES
Standoff Combat - - Automatic no
Stowing Away - - - Automatic no
Teleport Science Teleporter - Distance+Shields+Shields YES
Throw Grenade Combat - - Distance + 3 no
Throw Satchel Charge Combat - - (Distance x 2) + 3 no
Tractor Dock - - Tractor Automatic no
Tractor Ship Engineering Cargo Bay Tractor Distance + 2 x Speed + 2 x Size no
Tractor Spacewalker or Microship Engineering Cargo Bay Tractor Distance + 2 x Speed + 2 x Size no
Transfer Power Engineering Engine - 8 +3 per additional no
Turn on/off Cargo Bay Item - Cargo Bay - Automatic no
Use MedKit Science - Medkit 11+3 per additional no
Use Rocket Booster - Cargo Bay Rocket Booster Automatic no
Use Stun Generator - Cargo Bay Stun Generator Automatic no
Warp In Science Hyperdrive - Size YES
Warp Out Science Hyperdrive Programmed 8 YES
content/official/rules/list_of_actions.txt · Last modified: 2018/04/01 17:20 by lektu