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Keep track of all parts of your Battlestations campaign
Campaign Tracker
Spaceship Tracker
Character Tracker


This is an old revision of the document!


… This is where you'll be able to use your tablet or smart phone to quickly look up rules and reference rules clarifications or errata. Anyone will be able to make updates and all changes will be kept by the wiki so we can crowdsource a complete, updated version of all the Battlestations rules and community-generated missions and variants. We'll be launching this wiki concurrently with the Battlestations release, but we'll need help in advance to get the wiki pages created.

–Jeff and Joey


Please note that only volunteers from the kickstarter campaign and the game designers are able to participate in these discussions. You will need to login with your username and password (link at top right)

If you are new to wikis then please Start Here

  • Goals - What is this wiki for, and what does it hope to achieve? The Scope of the wiki (or Mission Statement)
  • This Wiki - Discussion on how this wiki is setup, updates, problems, future changes
  • Legal - Rights, licensing, policy and conduct
  • Detail - Metadata, taxonomies and organisation



Content from official publications, only editable by Admins and Editors


Player created extensions, expansions and add ons. Editable by Users and above.


Areas to keep track of all parts of a Battlestations campaign. Editable by Users and above. Personal information or contact details are never to be allowed on this wiki.


How to do things on this wiki

  • registration - Creating an account on the wiki
  • editing - Editing a page and creating a new one
  • trackers - How to use the trackers
  • search - Finding what you are looking for


If you have any problems or need to contact the webmaster of this site, I can be emailed at

start.1505964846.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/09/20 20:34 by curufea