Keep track of all parts of your Battlestations campaign
Campaign Tracker
Spaceship Tracker
Character Tracker
Keep track of all parts of your Battlestations campaign
Campaign Tracker
Spaceship Tracker
Character Tracker
This is an old revision of the document!
This module delivers boarders or bombs to enemy ships and platforms.
Note the following:
(Science vs. your Shields + target's Shields + Distance)
Declare before the attempt whether you are teleporting yourself, a character on the other battlestation, or a bomb. Add a Used marker after you resolve the Teleport action. The Teleporter is at +3 difficulty to use for each Used marker.
These bombs are balls of energy that are always available to teleport but cost a Guns power.
If the skill check is successful, roll hit allocation for a direct fire hit (pg 107) to see where the bomb or boarder shows up.
If the hit allocation misses the silhouette, the teleport fails just as if you'd failed the skill check.
If the hit allocation roll hits for a bomb, it deals one die of hull damage to the target ship. If this die is 1, 2 or 3, it deals one die of damage to the occupants in the struck module. A damage result of 4, 5 or 6 deals two dice of damage to the occupants and breaks the module causing 1 OOC.