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This is an old revision of the document!


Profession : Engineer
Species : Whistler
Alien Ability : Puff: One of your moves in each move action may be a jet move in a straight line up to 10 squares. This jet doesn’t require a skill check.

Skill Level Statistics
Athletics 2 HP Base 11 Hit Points 17
Combat 2 Move 5+2 Damage
Engineering 5 Luck 9 Spent Luck
Piloting 0 Target Number 7 Rank 4
Science 0 Hands 4 Carry 20
Prestige 200 Experience 300 Credits

Special Abilities

Ability Notes Pool Used
Engine Specialist You know how to manage an Engine. You get a pool of rerolls to use when pumping an Engine for power, transferring power, upgrading, or repairing an Engine. 10
Mobile Add +2 to your Move attribute. You may ignore OOC for movement. You also get a free reroll on Athletics skill checks to move extra squares. You may take this ability any number of times to gain +2 Move and a reroll for each time you take it.
[rank 3]
[rank 4]

Personal Equipment

Item Notes Mass Status
Blaster 2d6-1 4
Toolkit Reduce the difficulty of Engineering skill checks to upgrade, repair, install or put out local fires by 1. 5



tracker/character/toowheet-twoo.1508371507.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/10/18 17:05 by curufea