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Keep track of all parts of your Battlestations campaign
Campaign Tracker
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Character Tracker
Profession : Scientist
Species : Canosian
Alien Ability : Tumble: Canosians get one free move action each phase. This movement can be made before or after any other action, including a normal move (see Move Actions, page 31).
Skill | Level | Statistics | ||||||
Athletics | 2 | HP Base | 8 | Hit Points | 15 | |||
Combat | 4 | Move | 7 | Damage | ||||
Engineering | 1 | Luck | 11 | Spent Luck | ||||
Piloting | 0 | Target Number | 8 | Rank | 5 | |||
Science | 4 | Hands | ∞ | Carry | 20 | |||
Prestige | 0 | Experience | 300 | Credits | 300 | |||
Ability | Notes | Pool | Used |
Calm | You've been through worse situations than this one. Due to your steely nerve, you may opt to spend from this pool to take an “8” on a skill check instead of (and before) rolling the dice. No dice are thrown and there are none to reroll. Figure the difficulty as normal. | 10 | |
Mobile | Add +2 to your Move attribute. You may ignore OOC for movement. You also get a free reroll on Athletics skill checks to move extra squares. You may take this ability any number of times to gain +2 Move and a reroll for each time you take it. | ||
Fortunate | You may spend 1 Luck to nudge a luckable die upwards by one instead of rerolling. You cannot nudge a “6” upwards. This ability may be used only once per check. | ||
Forethinker | You can roll your skill check before declaring an action. Roll two dice at the start of your turn. These dice will apply to your action this turn. | ||
Adaptable | As an automatic action you may spend one Luck and replace this ability with any special ability for the remainder of the mission. |
Item | Notes | Mass | Status |
Disintegrator | 1d6 damage + Athletics check of 8 or disintegrate. | 9 | |
Medkit | A MedKit in hand allows you to use your Science skill to heal, detoxify or de-ionize yourself and/or adjacent characters. | 5 |
Campaign : Curufea's Quickstart Campaign
Ship : Redundant II
Crew :