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This is an old revision of the document!


Table of Contents


Page # Errata
16 Lupinoids & Caninoids: “to melee damage they deak” ⇒ “to melee damage they deal
26 Timehop: Add distance limit for the entry point of future self
31 Peeking: Clarify movement after peeking starts from the worst square
38 Ranged Attacks: “difficulty to shoot on page 298” ⇒ “difficulty to shoot on page 299
90 Arming Grenades: “Instantly” ⇒ “Instantly (in your hand, just after being armed)
130 Dodge: “a moon or larger object” ⇒ “an asteroid or larger object”
130 Orbit: Missing rule copied from the Quick Start Guide, page 23
137 Missile Movement: Clarify what happens when the target suddenly runs silent and disappears
176 Mission Selection: “(see the chart on page 296)” ⇒ “(see the chart on page 299)”
288 Arya: “Huyman senator's daughter” ⇒ “Human senator's daughter”
300 Cloak: “Science Bay” ⇒ “Cloaking Device
content/official/rules/start.1522629948.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/04/01 17:45 by lektu